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Claassens GHM. Ende gaet inder sartroeysen ordine. De kartuizers en de Catharina van Siena-cultus in de Lage Landen. In: Molvarec SJ, Gaens T. A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Leuven: Peeters; 2013. pp. 211-230.
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Molvarec SJ. Vox clamantis in deserto. The development of Carthusian relations with society in the High Middle Ages. In: Molvarec SJ, Gaens T. A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Leuven: Peeters; 2013. pp. 13-49.
Gaens T. Fons hortorum irriguus, ceteras irrigans religiones. Carthusian influences on monastic reform in Germany and the Low Countries in the fifteenth century. In: Molvarec SJ, Gaens T. A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Leuven: Peeters; 2013. pp. 51-103.
Molvarec SJ. Vox clamantis in deserto. The development of Carthusian relations with society in the High Middle Ages. In: Molvarec SJ, Gaens T. A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Leuven: Peeters; 2013. pp. 13-49.
Gaens T. Fons hortorum irriguus, ceteras irrigans religiones. Carthusian influences on monastic reform in Germany and the Low Countries in the fifteenth century. In: Molvarec SJ, Gaens T. A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Leuven: Peeters; 2013. pp. 51-103.
van Engen H. Dionysius de Kartuizer en de tertiarissen van het Kapittel van Zepperen. In: Molvarec SJ, Gaens T. A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Leuven: Peeters; 2013. pp. 181-198.
Mannaerts P. In hoc praecedunt Carthusienses. Radulph de Rivo and Carthusian liturgy. In: Molvarec SJ, Gaens T. A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Leuven: Peeters; 2013. pp. 165-179.
