
Goudriaan K. Modern Devotion and Arrangements for Commemoration: Some Observations. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The 'Devotio Moderna' and its Contexts . Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 121-136.
Nissen P. ‘Allene met minnen’. De spiritualiteit van de cisterciënzerinnen in de dertiende eeuw. In: van der Bruggen H, Caris E, Wolters L. De Munsterabdij van Roermond. Een ontdekkingstocht door achthonderd jaar geschiedenis van een vrouwenklooster. Zwolle: WBooks-Stichting Rura Roermond; 2020. pp. 304-321.
Bollmann AM. Close Enough to Touch: Tension between Inner Devotion and Communal Piety in the Congregations of Sisters of the Devotio Moderna. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The 'Devotio Moderna' and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 137-158.
Hofman R. Individualization’ and ‘Personalization’ in Late Medieval Thought. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The ‘Devotio Moderna’ and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 35-50.
Mertens T, van der Ploeg D. Individuality and Scripted Role in Devout Song and Prayer. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The 'Devotio Moderna' and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 159-179.
Hofman R. Geert Grote’s Choice of a Religious Lifestyle Without Vows. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The ‘Devotio Moderna’ and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 51-66.
Dlabačová A. Illustrated Incunabula as Material Objects: The Case of the Devout Hours on the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The 'Devotio Moderna' and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 181-221.
Logutova M. 'Ama nesciri’: Thomas a Kempis’s Autobiography Reconstructed from his Works. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The ‘Devotio Moderna’ and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 67-86.
Hofman R. Inwardness and Individualization in the Late Medieval Low Countries: An Introduction. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The 'Devotio Moderna' and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 1-34.
Palmer NF. ‘Antiseusiana’: Vita Christi and Passion Meditation before the Devotio Moderna. In: Hofman R, Caspers CMA, Nissen P, van Dijk M, Oosterman JB. Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The ‘Devotio Moderna’ and its Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 87-119.
