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Margue, M. (2019). Les Adalbéron, un «lignage épiscopal»? Fonction épiscopale et structuration parentale en Lotharingie (Xe-XIe siècle). In S. Vanderputten & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 27-53). Turnhout: Brepols.
Rosé, I.. (2011). Les moines et leur vie communautaire du IXe au XIIe siècle. Tour d’horizon historiographique. In S. Vanderputten & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), Ecclesia in medio nationis. Reflections on the Study of Monasticism in the Central Middle Ages. Réflexions sur l’étude du monachisme au moyen âge central (Vol. 42, pp. 11-45). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Hamilton, S. (2019). Liturgy and Episcopal Authority. The Evidence of the Noyon Sacramentary (London, British Library, Additional MS 82956, formerly Phillipps MS 3340). In S. Vanderputten & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 139-157). Turnhout: Brepols.
Diehl, J. (2017). Masters and Schools at St Laurent: Rupert of Deutz and the Scholastic Culture of a Liégeois Monastery. In S. Vanderputten, Snijders, T., & Diehl, J. (Red.), Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300 (Vol. 37, pp. 151-182). Turnhout: Brepols.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Medieval Monasticisms. Forms and Experiences of the Monastic Life in the Latin West. Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte (Vol. 47, p. 394). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Vanderputten, S. (2014). The Mind as Cell and the Body as Cloister. Abbatial Leadership and the Issue of Stability in the Early Eleventh Century. In G. Melville, Schneidmüller, B., & Weinfurter, S. (Red.), Innovationen durch Deuten und Gestalten. Klöster im Mittelalter zwischen Jenseits und Welt (Vol. 1, pp. 105-126). Regensburg: Schnell-Steiner.
Mazel, F. (2011). Monachisme et aristocratie aux Xe-XIe siècles. Un regard sur l’historiographie récente. In S. Vanderputten & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), Ecclesia in medio nationis. Reflections on the Study of Monasticism in the Central Middle Ages. Réflexions sur l’étude du monachisme au moyen âge central (Vol. 42, pp. 47-75). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Vanderputten, S. (2021). Monastic Elites and Narratives of Distinction in the High Middle Ages. In G. Melville & Mixson, J. D. (Red.), Virtuosos of Faith. Monks, Nuns, Canons, and Friars as Elites of Medieval Cultur (Vol. 78, pp. 29-40). Münster: LIT Verlag.
Vanderputten, S. (2018). Monastic Leadership as an ‘Immaterial Resouce’. A Look at Reformist Abbots of the 10th to Early 12th Centuries. In M. Krätschmer, Thode, K., & Vossler-Wolf, C. (Red.), Klöster und ihre Ressources. Raume und Reformen monastischer Gemeinschaften im Mittelalter (Vol. 7, pp. 99-106). Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Monastic reform in the tenth to early twelfth century. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. I. Origins to the Eleventh Century (pp. 599-617). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reilly, D. (2011). The Monastic World View in the Artistic Tradition. In S. Vanderputten & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), Ecclesia in medio nationis. Reflections on the Study of Monasticism in the Central Middle Ages. Réflexions sur l’étude du monachisme au moyen âge central (Vol. 42, pp. 183-200). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Moens, S. (2017). The mulieres religiosae, Daughters of Hildegard of Bingen? Interfaces between a Benedictine Visionary, the Cistercians of Villers, and the Spiritual Women of Liège. In S. Vanderputten, Snijders, T., & Diehl, J. (Red.), Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300 (Vol. 37, pp. 301-338). Turnhout: Brepols.
Snijders, T. (2017). Near Neighbours, Distant Brothers: The Inter-Monastic Networks of Benedictine Houses in the Southern Low Countries (900-1200). In S. Vanderputten, Snijders, T., & Diehl, J. (Red.), Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300 (Vol. 37, pp. 69-108). Turnhout: Brepols.
McNair, F. (2019). Nullus alicui clerico episcopatum conferre debeat nisi rex. Royal Authority and Disputed Episcopal Elections during the late Carolingian Period. In S. Vanderputten & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 55-73). Turnhout: Brepols.
