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Book Chapter
Montgomery, S. B. (2004). Relics and pilgramage in the xylographic book of St. Servatius of Maastricht. In S. Blick & Tekippe, R. (Red.), Art and architecture of late medieval pilgrimage in Northern Europe and England (Vol. 104, pp. 669-691). Leiden: Brill.
Angenendt, A. (2011). Relics and Their Veneration. In M. Bagnoli, Klein, H. A., Mann, G. C., & Robinson, J. (Red.), Treasures of Heaven. Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe (pp. 19-28). London: The British Museum Press.
Palazzo, E. (2011). Relics, Liturgical Space, and the Theology of the Curch. In M. Bagnoli, Klein, H. A., Mann, G. C., & Robinson, J. (Red.), Treasures of Heaven. Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe (pp. 99-109). London: The British Museum Press.
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Vanhauwaert, S., & Marini, M.. (2018). Religieuze patronage met een politieke agenda. In M. Derez, Vanhauwaert, S., & Verbrugge, A. (Red.), Arenberg. Portret van een familie, verhaal van een verzameling (pp. 235-243). Turnhout: Brepols.
Looper, B., Santing, C., & van Steensel, A.. (2021). Religieuze verenigingen. Zorgen voor de naasten. In A. B. Mulder-Bakker & Bremmer Jr, R. H. (Red.), Geleefd geloof. Het geloofsleven van boeren en burgers in Friesland en de Ommelanden van Groningen, 1200-1580 (pp. 82-99). Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
Van Bruaene, A. - L., & Marnef, G.. (2021). Religion civique. Communauté, identité et renouvellement de la foi. In C. Billen, Blondé, B., Boone, M., & Van Bruaene, A. - L. (Red.), Faire société au Moyen Âge. Histoire urbaine des anciens Pays-Bas (1100-1600) (Vol. 25, pp. 151-185). Paris: Classiques Garnier.
Krüger, D.. (2011). The Religion of Relics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium. In M. Bagnoli, Klein, H. A., Mann, G. C., & Robinson, J. (Red.), Treasures of Heaven. Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe (pp. 5-17). London: The British Museum Press.
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Mulder-Bakker, A. B. (1995). Ridder en kluizenaar in de twaalfde eeuw. In A. B. Mulder-Bakker (Red.), De kluizenaar in de eik. Gerlach van Houthem en zijn verering (Vol. 45, pp. 51-71). Hilversum: Verloren.
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Schlotheuber, E. (2021). The Role of the sponsa Christi, the “Bride of the highest King”, in the social and Sacral Hierarchy of Medieval Society: Assumptions, Potential and Reinterpretation. In G. Melville & Mixson, J. D. (Red.), Virtuosos of Faith. Monks, Nuns, Canons, and Friars as Elites of Medieval Cultur (pp. 19-28). Münster: LIT Verlag.
Schlotheuber, E. (2021). The Role of the sponsa Christi, the “Bride of the highest King”, in the social and Sacral Hierarchy of Medieval Society: Assumptions, Potential and Reinterpretation. In G. Melville & Mixson, J. D. (Red.), Virtuosos of Faith. Monks, Nuns, Canons, and Friars as Elites of Medieval Cultur (pp. 19-28). Münster: LIT Verlag.
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Moeglin, J. - M. (2004). Saint-Bavon de Gand et l'identité flamande à la fin du Moyen Âge. In S. Gougenheim (Red.), Retour aux sources. Textes, études et documents d'histoire médiévale offerts à Michel Parisse (pp. 927-942). Paris: Picard.
Bertrand, P. (2001). Sainte Madelberte à Soignies. Aux origines d'un culte récent. In J. Deveseleer, Desmette, P., & Maillard-Luypaert, M. (Red.), Reliques et châsses de la collégiale de Soignies. Objets, cultes et traditions (pp. 89-92). Soignies: Musée de Soignies.
Jusseret, R., Mignot, P., & D'Oterppe, H.. (2004). Saint-Hubert: La basilique Saints-Pierre-et-Paul et l'ancien palais abbatial. In J. Deveseleer (Red.), Le patrimoine exceptionnel de Wallonie (pp. 483-492). Namur: Ministère de la Région wallone.
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