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Claassens, G. H. M. (2013). Ende gaet inder sartroeysen ordine. De kartuizers en de Catharina van Siena-cultus in de Lage Landen. In S. J. Molvarec & Gaens, T. (Red.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity (Vol. 2, pp. 211-230). Leuven: Peeters.
Margue, M. (2013). Face à l’évêque, le comte Politique ottonienne et pouvoir comtal en Lotharingie à l’époque de Notger. In A. Wilkin & Kupper, J. - L. (Red.), Évêque et prince. Notger et la Basse-Lotharingie aux alentours de l’an Mil (Vol. 2, pp. 237-270). Liège: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
Gaens, T. (2013). Fons hortorum irriguus, ceteras irrigans religiones. Carthusian influences on monastic reform in Germany and the Low Countries in the fifteenth century. In S. J. Molvarec & Gaens, T. (Red.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity (Vol. 2, pp. 51-103). Leuven: Peeters.
Declercq, G. (2013). "Habent sua fata libelli et acta". La destruction de textes, manuscrits et documents au Moyen Âge. In D. Engels, Martens, D., & Wilkin, A. (Red.), La destruction dans l’histoire. Pratiques et discours (pp. 129-161). Brussel-Bern: Peter Lang.
Mannaerts, P. (2013). In hoc praecedunt Carthusienses. Radulph de Rivo and Carthusian liturgy. In S. J. Molvarec & Gaens, T. (Red.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity (Vol. 2, pp. 165-179). Leuven: Peeters.
Mannaerts, P. (2013). In hoc praecedunt Carthusienses. Radulph de Rivo and Carthusian liturgy. In S. J. Molvarec & Gaens, T. (Red.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity (Vol. 2, pp. 165-179). Leuven: Peeters.
Mertens, J. (2013). Jan Floreins, Enkele gegevens over zijn beheer in het laat-middeleeuws Sint-Janshospitaal te Brugge. Handelingen van het Genootschap voor Geschiedenis te Brugge, 150(1), 101-111.
de Morrée, C.. (2013). Komt het Deventer Liederenhandschrift wel uit Deventer?. Spiegel der Letteren, 55(2), 121-132.
Mertens, T. (2013). The Last Judgement in Middle Dutch Sermons on the Sunday Gospel. In T. Mertens, Sherwood-Smith, M., Mecklenburg, M., & Schiewer, H. - J. (Red.), The Last Judgement in Medieval Preaching (Vol. 3, pp. 43-65). Turnhout: Brepols.
Mertens, T. (2013). The Last Judgement in Middle Dutch Sermons on the Sunday Gospel. In T. Mertens, Sherwood-Smith, M., Mecklenburg, M., & Schiewer, H. - J. (Red.), The Last Judgement in Medieval Preaching (Vol. 3, pp. 43-65). Turnhout: Brepols.
Mertens, T. (2013). The Last Judgement in Middle Dutch Sermons on the Sunday Gospel. In T. Mertens, Sherwood-Smith, M., Mecklenburg, M., & Schiewer, H. - J. (Red.), The Last Judgement in Medieval Preaching (Vol. 3, pp. 43-65). Turnhout: Brepols.
Melville, G. (2013). Les fondements spirituels et juridiques de l'autorité dans la vita religiosa médiévale: approche comparative. In J. - F. Cottier, Hurel, D. - O., & Tock, B. - M. (Red.), Les personnes d'autorité en milieu régulier. Des origines de la vie régulière au XVIIIe siècle (Vol. 22, pp. 13-26). Saint-Etienne: CERCOR.
As-Vijvers, A. M. W. (2013). Manuscript Production in a Carmelite Convent: The Case of Cornelia von Wulfskercke. In S. L. Hindman & Marrow, J. (Red.), Books of Hours Reconsidered (Vol. 72, pp. 279-296). London: Harvey Miller.
Meijns, B. L. I. (2013). Martyrs, relics and holy places: the christianization of the countryside in the Archdiocese of Rheims during the Meroginvian Period. In C. Steel, Marenbon, J., & Verbeke, W. (Red.), Paganism in the Middle Ages. Threat and Fascination (Vol. 43, pp. 109-138). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Meijns, B. L. I. (2013). Martyrs, relics and holy places: the christianization of the countryside in the Archdiocese of Rheims during the Meroginvian Period. In C. Steel, Marenbon, J., & Verbeke, W. (Red.), Paganism in the Middle Ages. Threat and Fascination (Vol. 43, pp. 109-138). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Mazeure, N. (2013). Notger et l’écrit diplomatique à Stavelot-Malmedy à la fin du Xe siècle. La mise par écrit et l’exploitation des chartes comme fondements de l’autorité politique et de l’idéologie épiscopales. In A. Wilkin & Kupper, J. - L. (Red.), Évêque et prince. Notger et la Basse-Lotharingie aux alentours de l’an Mil (Vol. 2, pp. 485-505). Liège: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
