
Fraeters V. The Appearance of Queen Reason: Construction and Pragmatics of the Imagery in Vision 9 of Hadewijch. In: de Hemptinne T, Fraeters V, Gongora ME. Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150-1650). Turnhout: Brepols; 2013. pp. 65-94.
de Hemptinne T. Reading, Writing, and Devotional Practices: Lay and Religious Women and the Written Word in the Low Countries (1350-1550). In: De Paermentier E, Van Tricht F. Intuitu fidelis servitii sui. Diplomatics and Literacy, Gender and Politics in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays. 2e ed. Gent: Academia Press; 2013. pp. 381-396.
Deploige J. How Gendered was Clairvoyance in the Thirteenth Century? The Case of Simon of Aulne. In: de Hemptinne T, Fraeters V, Gongora ME. Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150-1650). Turnhout: Brepols; 2013. pp. 95-128.
de Hemptinne T. Lire et écrire, c’est prier un peu. Culture écrite et pratique féminines de dévotion aux Pays-Bas à la fin du Moyen Âge. In: De Paermentier E, Van Tricht F. Intuitu fidelis servitii sui. Diplomatics and Literacy, Gender and Politics in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays. 2e ed. Gent: Academia Press; 2013. pp. 357-368.
de Hemptinne T, Prevenier W. La chancellerie pontificale et les centres ecclésiastiques de rédaction des chartes dans les anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux du XIe au XIIIe siècle. In: De Paermentier E, Van Tricht F. Intuitu fidelis servitii sui. Diplomatics and Literacy, Gender and Politics in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays. 2e ed. Gent: Academia Press; 2013. pp. 143-157.
de Hemptinne T, Vandermaesen M. De ambtenaren van de centrale administratie van het graafschap Vlaanderen van de 12e tot de 14e eeuw. In: De Paermentier E, Van Tricht F. Intuitu fidelis servitii sui. Diplomatics and Literacy, Gender and Politics in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays. 2e ed. Gent: Academia Press; 2013. pp. 67-99.
de Hemptinne T. Women as mediators between the powers of Comitatus and Sacerdotium. Two countesses of Flanders in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. In: De Paermentier E, Van Tricht F. Intuitu fidelis servitii sui. Diplomatics and Literacy, Gender and Politics in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays. 2e ed. Gent: Academia Press; 2013. pp. 281-293.
de Hemptinne T. Un prétendu diplôme de Charlemagne pour l’abbaye de Marchiennes. In: De Paermentier E, Van Tricht F. Intuitu fidelis servitii sui. Diplomatics and Literacy, Gender and Politics in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays. Gent: Academia Press; 2013. pp. 53-65.
de Hemptinne T. Scriverssen en hun colofons. Op zoek naar de motivatie en werkomstandigheden van vrouwelijke kopiistes in de laatmiddeleeuwse Nederlanden. In: De Paermentier E, Van Tricht F. Intuitu fidelis servitii sui. Diplomatics and Literacy, Gender and Politics in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays. 2e ed. Gent: Academia Press; 2013. pp. 397-416.
