
Hamm B. Normative centering in the 15th and 16th centuries: observations on religiosity, theology, and iconology. In: Bast RJ. The reformation of faith in the context of late medieval theology and piety: essays by Berndt Hamm. Leiden: Brill; 2004. pp. 1-43.
Hamm B. Reformation 'from below' and Reformation 'from above'. On the problem of the historical classifications of the Reformations. In: Bast RJ. The reformation of faith in the context of late medieval theology and piety: essays by Berndt Hamm. Leiden: Brill; 2004. pp. 217-253.
Hamm B. From the medieval "love of God" to the "faith" of Luther. A contribution to the history of penitence. In: Bast RJ. The reformation of faith in the context of late medieval theology and piety: essays by Berndt Hamm. Leiden: Brill; 2004. pp. 128-152.