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Blazek P. Iste liber videtur esse factus ab Aristotile: Bartholomew of Bruges and the Medieval Reception of the De Inundatione Nili. In: Brinzei M, Coman D, Curut I, Marinca A. Pseudo-Aristotelian Texts in Medieval Thought. Acts of the XXII Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Cluj-Napoca, 28-30 September 2016. Turnhout: Brepols; 2023. pp. 235-267.
Baneu A. Paul of Geldern. A Portrait of the Parisian artista as a Viennese Theologian. In: Brinzei M. The Rise of an Academic Elite : Deans, Masters, and Scribes at the University of Vienna before 1400. Turnhout: Brepols; 2022. pp. 221-311.
Brinzei M. Discovering Rutger Dole of Roermond (†1409) via Henry of Rheinfelden’s Collection of Notes. In: Brinzei M. The Rise of an Academic Elite : Deans, Masters, and Scribes at the University of Vienna before 1400. Turnhout: Brepols; 2022. pp. 345-368.
Brinzei M. Discovering Rutger Dole of Roermond (†1409) via Henry of Rheinfelden’s Collection of Notes. In: Brinzei M. The Rise of an Academic Elite : Deans, Masters, and Scribes at the University of Vienna before 1400. Turnhout: Brepols; 2022. pp. 345-368.
Jeschke T. Unum antiquum problema: Denys the Carthusian and John Capreolus on the Question Whether the Soul’s Essence Is Distinct from Its Potencies. A Late-Medieval Starting Point. In: Brinzei M, Schabel CD. Philosophical Psychology in Late-Medieval Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. Acts of the XIVth Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Radboud Universiteit, 28-30 October 2009. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 155-195.
Hoenen MJFM. Heymericus de Campo (†1460) Reads Peter Lombard. Late-Medieval Abbreviations of the Libri Sententiarum. In: Brinzei M, Schabel CD. Philosophical Psychology in Late-Medieval Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. Acts of the XIVth Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Radboud Universiteit, 28-30 October 2009. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 105-153.
Slotemaker JT. Pierre d’Ailly and the Imago Trinitatis: The Sources of His Trinitarian Theology. In: Brinzei M, Schabel CD. Philosophical Psychology in Late-Medieval Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. Acts of the XIVth Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Radboud Universiteit, 28-30 October 2009. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 253-282.
Emery Jr K. Denys the Carthusian's Sentential Teachings on the Nature and Operations of the Soul. In: Brinzei M, Schabel CD. Philosophical Psychology in Late-Medieval Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. Acts of the XIVth Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Radboud Universiteit, 28-30 October 2009. Turnhout: Brepols; 2020. pp. 227-250.
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