
Vanderputten S. Communities of Practice and Emotional Aspects of Loyalty in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century Monasticism. In: Sonntag J, Zermatten C. Loyalty in the Middle Ages: Ideal and Practice of a Cross-Social Value. Turnhout: Brepols; 2015. pp. 279-303.
Vanderputten S. The Mind as Cell and the Body as Cloister. Abbatial Leadership and the Issue of Stability in the Early Eleventh Century. In: Melville G, Schneidmüller B, Weinfurter S. Innovationen durch Deuten und Gestalten. Klöster im Mittelalter zwischen Jenseits und Welt. Regensburg: Schnell-Steiner; 2014. pp. 105-126.
