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Sullivan, T. (2004). Parisian licentiates in theology, A.D. 1373-1500: a biographical register. Vol. I: The religious orders. Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (Vol. 18, p. 465). Leiden: Brill.
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de Hemptinne, T., & Gongora, M. E.. (2004). Reading, Writing, and Devotional Practices: Lay and Religious Women and the Written Word in the Low Countries (1350-1550). In T. de Hemptinne (Red.), The Voice of Silence. Women’s Literacy in a Men’s Church (Vol. 9, pp. 111-126). Turnhout: Brepols.
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Pettegree, A., & Hall, M.. (2004). The Reformation and the Book: A Reconsideration. The Historical Journal, 47, 785-808.
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