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Kock, T. (2004). 'Per totum Almanicum orbem': Reformbeziehungen und Ausbreitung der niederländischen 'Devotio moderna'. In M. Derwich & Staub, M. (Red.), Die 'Neue Frömmigkeit' in Europa im Spätmittelalter (Vol. 205, pp. 31-56). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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de Hemptinne, T., & Gongora, M. E.. (2004). Reading, Writing, and Devotional Practices: Lay and Religious Women and the Written Word in the Low Countries (1350-1550). In T. de Hemptinne (Red.), The Voice of Silence. Women’s Literacy in a Men’s Church (Vol. 9, pp. 111-126). Turnhout: Brepols.
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Hamm, B. (2004). Reformation 'from below' and Reformation 'from above'. On the problem of the historical classifications of the Reformations. In R. J. Bast (Red.), The reformation of faith in the context of late medieval theology and piety: essays by Berndt Hamm (Vol. 110, pp. 217-253). Leiden: Brill.
Scholten, F. (2004). Reizende meesters uit de Lage Landen. Kunstschrift, 24, 9-17.
Montgomery, S. B. (2004). Relics and pilgramage in the xylographic book of St. Servatius of Maastricht. In S. Blick & Tekippe, R. (Red.), Art and architecture of late medieval pilgrimage in Northern Europe and England (Vol. 104, pp. 669-691). Leiden: Brill.
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Marnef, G. (2004). Roerig Brabant. In R. van Uytven, Bruneel, C., Koldeweij, J., van de Sande, A. W. F. M., & Oudheusden, J. A. F. M. (Red.), Geschiedenis van Brabant van het hertogdom tot heden (1e ed., pp. 291-307). Zwolle-Leuven: Waanders-Davidsfonds-Stichting Colloquium De Brabantse Stad.
Moeglin, J. - M. (2004). Saint-Bavon de Gand et l'identité flamande à la fin du Moyen Âge. In S. Gougenheim (Red.), Retour aux sources. Textes, études et documents d'histoire médiévale offerts à Michel Parisse (pp. 927-942). Paris: Picard.
d'Otreppe , H. (2004). Saint-Hubert, hôpital des pauvres pèlerins. In L. Tack, Dehaeck, S., & Buyle, M. (Red.), Architectuur van Belgische hospitalen (Vol. 10, pp. 232-233). Brussel: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap-Afdeling Monumenten en Landschappen.
Jusseret, R., Mignot, P., & D'Oterppe, H.. (2004). Saint-Hubert: La basilique Saints-Pierre-et-Paul et l'ancien palais abbatial. In J. Deveseleer (Red.), Le patrimoine exceptionnel de Wallonie (pp. 483-492). Namur: Ministère de la Région wallone.
Marijnissen, E. (2004). Schatten van het Sint Agnesklooster. In J. Hinke, Hoitink, Y., & Ulrich, E. (Red.), Dat coevent toe Oldenzal. De geschiedenis en opgraving van het Agnesklooster te Oldenzaal (pp. 111-128). Hengelo: Broekhuis.
Henneau, M. - E. (2004). Se vêtir au couvent, quand on est femme!. In O. Donneau (Red.), Quand l'habit faisait le moine: Une histoire du vêtement civil et religieux en Luxembourg et au-delà (pp. 139-161). Bastogne: Musée en Piconrue.
Koldeweij, J. (2004). 'Shameless and naked images': obscene badges as parodies of popular devotion. In S. Blick & Tekippe, R. (Red.), Art and architecture of late medieval pilgrimage in Northern Europe and England (Vol. 104, pp. 493-510). Leiden: Brill.
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van der Ploeg, K. (2004). The spatial setting of worship: Some observations on the relation between altarpieces and churches. In S. Kaspersen & Haastrup, U. (Red.), Images of cult and devotion: function and reception of Christian images in medieval and post-medieval Europe (pp. 149-159). Museum Tusculanum Press-University of Copenhagen: Kopenhagen.
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