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Vanderputten, S. (2017). Gebakkelei over de Gentse begraafplaatsen op het ‘generaal kapittel’ van benedictijnenabten (1169-1170). In K. De Groote & Ervynck, A. (Red.), Gentse geschiedenissen, ofte Nieuwe historiën uit de oudheid der stad en illustere plaatsen omtrent Gent (pp. 129-134). Nevele: Skribis-Nevelland.
Vanderputten, S. (2017). Un espace sacré au féminin? Principes et réalités de la clôture des religieuses aux IXe-XIe siècles. In N. D’Acunto, Andenna, G., & Filippini, E. (Red.), Spazio e mobilità nella ‘societas christiana’ spazio, identità, alterità (secoli X-XIII). Atti del Convegno Internazionale Brescia, 17-19 settembre 2015 (Vol. 5, pp. 125-140). Milano: Vita e pensiero (Ricerche - Storia).
Vanderputten, S. (2016). Saint-Jacques dans son milieu monastique (XIe-XIIIe siècle) : réseaux et réformes. In A. Wilkin, Allart, D., Piavaux, M., & Van den Bossche, B. (Red.), L’église Saint-Jacques à Liège. Templum pulcherrimum. Une histoire, un patrimoine (pp. 45-55). Namur: Institut du Patrimoine wallon.
Vanderputten, S. (2017). Universal Historiography as Process? Shaping Monastic Memories in the eleventh-Century Chronicle of Saint-Vaast. In M. Campopiano & Bainton, H. (Red.), Universal Chronicles in the High Middle Ages (Vol. 4, pp. 43-64). Woodbridge: York Medieval Press.
Vanderputten, S., & Meijns, B. L. I.. (2019). Introduction. In S. Vanderputten & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 1-7). Turnhout: Brepols.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Monastic reform in the tenth to early twelfth century. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. I. Origins to the Eleventh Century (pp. 599-617). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Vanderputten, S. (2018). Monastic Leadership as an ‘Immaterial Resouce’. A Look at Reformist Abbots of the 10th to Early 12th Centuries. In M. Krätschmer, Thode, K., & Vossler-Wolf, C. (Red.), Klöster und ihre Ressources. Raume und Reformen monastischer Gemeinschaften im Mittelalter (Vol. 7, pp. 99-106). Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Medieval Monasticisms. Forms and Experiences of the Monastic Life in the Latin West. Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte (Vol. 47, p. 394). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Vanderputten, S. (2019). The dignity of our bodies and the salvation of our souls : scandal, purity, and the pursuit of unity in late tenth-century monasticism. In S. Greer, Hicklin, A., & Esders, S. (Red.), Using and not using the past after the Carolingian empire, c. 900-c. 1050 (pp. 262-281). London: Routledge.
Vanderputten, S. (2021). Monastic Elites and Narratives of Distinction in the High Middle Ages. In G. Melville & Mixson, J. D. (Red.), Virtuosos of Faith. Monks, Nuns, Canons, and Friars as Elites of Medieval Cultur (Vol. 78, pp. 29-40). Münster: LIT Verlag.
Vanderputten, S. (2014). The Mind as Cell and the Body as Cloister. Abbatial Leadership and the Issue of Stability in the Early Eleventh Century. In G. Melville, Schneidmüller, B., & Weinfurter, S. (Red.), Innovationen durch Deuten und Gestalten. Klöster im Mittelalter zwischen Jenseits und Welt (Vol. 1, pp. 105-126). Regensburg: Schnell-Steiner.
Vanderputten, S. (2010). Kloosterwezen en maatschappij in de twaalfde-eeuwse Zuidelijke Nederlanden: enkele comparatieve beschouwingen over de uitdagingen van Wibalds generatie. In A. Lemeunier & Schroeder, N. (Red.), Wibald en questions. Un grand abbé lotharingien du XIIe siècle. D'or et de parchemin. Actes du colloque de Stavelot, 19-20 novembre 2009 (pp. 43-49). Stavelot: Abbaye de Stavelot.
Vanderputten, S. (2023). Reform, Change, and Renewal: Women Religious in the Central Middle Ages, 800-1050. In K. A. Curran & Burton, J. (Red.), Medieval women religious c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives (pp. 22-42). Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
Vanderputten, S. (2023). Rethinking Reform: an Introduction. In S. Vanderputten (Red.), Rethinking Reform in the Latin West, 10th to Early 12th Century (pp. 1-20). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
Vanderputten, S. (2023). Deconstructing/Reconstructing Monastic Reform. In S. Vanderputten (Red.), Rethinking Reform in the Latin West, 10th to Early 12th Century (pp. 45-68). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
Vanderputten, S. (2023). Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between Monastic Reform and Institutional Innovation in the Long Twelfth Century?. In J. Sonntag & Melville, G. (Red.), Mechanismen des Innovativen im klösterlichen Leben des hohen Mittelalters (pp. 283-291). Regensburg: Schnell und Steiner.
Vanderputten, S. (2022). Bishops and the reform of religious communities in the long tenth century. A look at Lotharingia and Reims. In A. Bihrer & Röckelein, H. (Red.), Die ‘Episkopalisierung der Kirche’ im europäischen Vergleich (pp. 407-425). Berlin: De Gruyter. doi:
