
Exporteer 7607 resultaten:
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Piavaux, M. (2005). Liège. L'ancienne collégiale Sainte-Croix. In J. Maquet (Red.), Le Patrimoine médiéval de Wallonie (pp. 52-54). Namur: Institut du patrimoine wallon.
Amormino, V., & Bolle, C.. (2005). Liège. Les vestiges des bâtiments claustraux de l'abbaye Saint-Jacques à Liège. In J. Maquet (Red.), Le Patrimoine médiéval de Wallonie (pp. 113-114). Namur: Institut du patrimoine wallon.
Monjoie, S. (2005). Liège. Les vestiges des cathédrales Saint-Lambert. In J. Maquet (Red.), Le Patrimoine médiéval de Wallonie (pp. 45-47). Namur: Institut du patrimoine wallon.
Meijns, B. L. I. (2005). The Life of Bishop John of Thérouanne by Archdeacon Walter (1130) and the Bishop's Pastoral Activities. In W. Verbeke, Milis, L. J. R., & Goossens, J. (Red.), Medieval Narrative Sources. A Gateway into the Medieval Mind (Vol. 34, pp. 77-90). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Dierkens, A. (2005). Lobbes. L'église Saint-Ursmer. In J. Maquet (Red.), Le Patrimoine médiéval de Wallonie (pp. 55-57). Namur: Institut du patrimoine wallon.
Tracy, J. D. (2005). The Low Countries in the sixteenth century. Erasmus, religion and politics, trade and finance. Variorum Collected Studies Series (Vol. 808, p. 346). Burlington: Ashgate.
Dodds, B. (2005). Managing tithes in the late middle ages. The Agricultural History Review, 53, 125-140.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). Medieval Narrative Sources: A Fascinating Gateway into the Medieval Mind. In W. Verbeke, Milis, L. J. R., & Goossens, J. (Red.), Medieval Narrative Sources. A Gateway into the Medieval Mind (Vol. 34, p. VII-IX). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Berman, C. H. (2005). Medieval religion: new approaches. Re-Writing Histories (p. 416). New York: Routledge.
Stein-Wilkeshuis, M. (2005). Meester Ewolt. Deventer schilder in de zestiende eeuw. Overijsselse historische bijdragen, 120, 39-60.
van Herwaarden, J. (2005). Middeleeuwse aflaten en Nederlandse devotie. In P. T. van de Laar, Margry, P. J., & Santing, C. (Red.), Een profane pelgrimage naar de Middeleeuwen. Opstellen van prof. dr. Jan van Herwaarden over geloof en samenleving in de laatmiddeleeuwse Nederlanden (pp. 83-107). Hilversum: Verloren.
van Spijker, I. 't. (2005). Model reading: saints' lives and literature of religious formation in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. In E. Renard, Trigalet, M., Hermand, X., & Bertrand, P. (Red.), 'Scribere sanctorum gesta'. Recueil d’études d’hagiographie médiévale offert à Guy Philippart (Vol. 3, pp. 135-156). Turnhout: Brepols.
Goder, H. (2005). Monnikhuizen. Monichusen. In G. Schlegel & Hogg, J. (Red.), Monasticon Cartusiense (Vol. 185/3, pp. 161-172, 295-304). Salzburg: Universität Salzburg. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik.
Piérard, C.. (2005). Mons. L'ancienne collégiale Sainte-Waudru. In J. Maquet (Red.), Le Patrimoine médiéval de Wallonie (pp. 58-60). Namur: Institut du patrimoine wallon.
Biermans, M. (2005). Music and liturgy in Sint Janskerk in Gouda. In W. de Groot (Red.), The Seventh Window. The King’s Window donated by Philip II and Mary Tudor to Sint Janskerk in Gouda (1557) (pp. 107-113). Hilversum: Verloren.
Schreurs, E. (2005). Musical relations between the court and collegiate chapels in the Netherlands, 1450-1560. In J. J. Carreras & Garcia Garcia, B. (Red.), The Royal Chapel in the time of the Habsburgs: Music and court ceremony in early modern Europe (pp. 103-120). Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
Heinz, W. (2005). Musik in der Architektur. Von der Antike zum Mittelalter. (P. Dinzelbacher, Red.)Beihefte zur Mediaevistik (Vol. 4, p. 203). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
