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Janssens, H. (2023). État actuel des recherches sur les statuts de l’Ordre de Prémontré aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles. In A. Mihl & Butaye, M. (Red.), A Cathedral of Constitutional Law. Essays on the Earliest Constitutions of the Order of Preachers. With an English Translation of Fr Antoninus H. Thomas’s 1965 Study (pp. 43-60). Turnhout: Brepols.
Charles, S. (2023). Family and Friends: Gift-giving, Books, and Book Inscriptions in Women's Religious Communities. In J. Burton & Curran, K. A. (Red.), Medieval women religious c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives (pp. 152-165). Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
Gunn, C. (2023). On the Frings: Anchorites. In J. Burton & Curran, K. A. (Red.), Medieval women religious c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives (pp. 76-89). Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
Jung, C. A. (2023). Gijsbert Raet’s Jerusalem Chapel in Late Medieval Gouda. In B. Kühnel, Bodner, N., & Bartal, R. (Red.), Projections of Jerusalem in Europe (pp. 215-241). Leuven: Peeters.
Jung, C. A. (2023). Gijsbert Raet’s Jerusalem Chapel in Late Medieval Gouda. In B. Kühnel, Bodner, N., & Bartal, R. (Red.), Projections of Jerusalem in Europe (pp. 215-241). Leuven: Peeters.
Baetsen, S. (2023). Het menselijk botmateriaal van het klooster van Susteren. In H. Stoepker (Red.), Sporen van Susteren. Archeologische vondsten uit een Karolingische abdij en een adellijk vrouwenstift. De basispublicatie (pp. 1437-1487). Venlo: Limburgs Museum.
Glaudemans, R. (2023). Het Oude huis te Bern. Bouwgeschiedenis en wederopbouw. In T. Blom (Red.), Berne. De Abdij & het Oude Huis, Nieuw licht op Bern (pp. 114-127). Heeswijk-Dinther: Uitgeverij Abdij van Berne.
Feenstra, H. (2023). Hoofdelingen, kloosters en economie in het Waddengebied in de late middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd. In A. Nieuwhof & Buursma, A. (Red.), Van Drenthe tot aan ’t Wad. Over landschap, archeologie en geschiedenis van Noord-Nederland. Essays ter ere van Egge Knol (pp. 197-208). Groningen: Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek.
Bernardini, P. (2023). The Human Soul at Faculties of Arts between Orthodoxy and Heresy (c. 1260-1277). Siger of Brabant and His Milieu. In P. Bernardini (Red.), Aristotle’s De anima at the Faculties of Arts (13th-14th Centuries) (pp. 107-153). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
Bernardini, P. (2023). The Human Soul at Faculties of Arts between Orthodoxy and Heresy (c. 1260-1277). Siger of Brabant and His Milieu. In P. Bernardini (Red.), Aristotle’s De anima at the Faculties of Arts (13th-14th Centuries) (pp. 107-153). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
Blazek, P. (2023). Iste liber videtur esse factus ab Aristotile: Bartholomew of Bruges and the Medieval Reception of the De Inundatione Nili. In M. Brinzei, Coman, D., Curut, I., & Marinca, A. (Red.), Pseudo-Aristotelian Texts in Medieval Thought. Acts of the XXII Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Cluj-Napoca, 28-30 September 2016 (pp. 235-267). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
Blazek, P. (2023). Iste liber videtur esse factus ab Aristotile: Bartholomew of Bruges and the Medieval Reception of the De Inundatione Nili. In M. Brinzei, Coman, D., Curut, I., & Marinca, A. (Red.), Pseudo-Aristotelian Texts in Medieval Thought. Acts of the XXII Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Cluj-Napoca, 28-30 September 2016 (pp. 235-267). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
Desplenter, Y. (2023). Jan van Leeuwen, Johannes Tauler, Their Writings, and Their Connections. The Fourteenth-Century Brabant and Rhinelandic Mystical Traditions as Textual Community. In C. van den Haven, Desplenter, Y., Jr, J. A. Parente, & Bloemendal, J. (Red.), Literature without Frontiers. Transnational Perspectives on Premodern Literature in the Low Countries, 1200-1800 (pp. 197-222). Brill: Leiden.
Reltgen-Tallon, A. (2023). La première législation dominicaine dans les récits fondateurs de la mémoire de l’Ordre. In A. Mihl & Butaye, M. (Red.), A Cathedral of Constitutional Law. Essays on the Earliest Constitutions of the Order of Preachers. With an English Translation of Fr Antoninus H. Thomas’s 1965 Study (pp. 113-130). Turnhout: Brepols.
Grélois, A.. (2023). Les cisterciens et l’essor de la pratique statutaire, des origines au début du XIVe siècle. In A. Mihl & Butaye, M. (Red.), A Cathedral of Constitutional Law. Essays on the Earliest Constitutions of the Order of Preachers. With an English Translation of Fr Antoninus H. Thomas’s 1965 Study (pp. 61-72). Turnhout: Brepols.
Cygler, F. (2023). Les constitutions dominicaines au Moyen Âge. Histoire et perspectives éditoriales. In A. Mihl & Butaye, M. (Red.), A Cathedral of Constitutional Law. Essays on the Earliest Constitutions of the Order of Preachers. With an English Translation of Fr Antoninus H. Thomas’s 1965 Study. Turnhout: Brepols.
Waelkens, L., & Druwé, W.. (2023). Les dominicains, les collèges et les universités. Une pauvreté savante au XIIIe siècle. In A. Mihl & Butaye, M. (Red.), A Cathedral of Constitutional Law. Essays on the Earliest Constitutions of the Order of Preachers. With an English Translation of Fr Antoninus H. Thomas’s 1965 Study (pp. 73-86). Turnhout: Brepols.
Denissen, D. (2023). Literacies, Learning, and Communal Reform: the Case of Alijt Bake. In J. Burton & Curran, K. A. (Red.), Medieval women religious c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives (pp. 137-151). Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
Tayler, N. Paul. (2023). Lotharingia and Liège’s Impact on Árpád-era Hungary and the Eger Valley. In A. Bárány, Czaja, R., & Pósán, L. (Red.), Zwischen Ostsee und Adria. Ostmitteleuropa im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit. Politische-, wirtschaftliche-, religiösische- und wissenschaftliche Beziehungen (pp. 119-143). Debrecen: Universität Debrecen Forschungsgruppe „Ungarn im mittelalterlichen Europa”.
Collins, T. (2023). Materiality and Archaeology of Women Religious. In J. Burton & Curran, K. A. (Red.), Medieval women religious c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives (pp. 182-201). Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
Barthélémy, D.. (2023). Miracles de l’an mil. Mnémosya (p. 320). Armand Collin: Paris.
Sykes, K. (2023). New Movements of the Twelfth Century: Diversity, Belonging, and Order(s). In J. Burton & Curran, K. A. (Red.), Medieval women religious c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives (pp. 43-60). Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
