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Nonnenkunst. In , Zuid-Nederlandse miniatuurkunst. De mooiste verluchte handschriften in Nederlands bezit (pp. 310-319). Zwolle-Utrecht-‘s-Gravenhage: WBOOKS-Museum Catharijneconvent-Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
. (2018). The Plow, the Pen and the Sword. Images and Self-Images of Medieval People in the Low Countries. Routledge Research in Medieval Studies (Vol. 12, p. 356). Londen-NewYork: Routledge-Taylor and Francis.
. (2018). The Prosaic Supernatural: Representation and Function of Lay Visionary Experience in Miracle Collections from the Low Countries. In , Miracles in Medieval Canonization Processes: Structures, Functions, and Methodologies (Vol. 23, pp. 257-283). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2018). The Prosaic Supernatural: Representation and Function of Lay Visionary Experience in Miracle Collections from the Low Countries. In , Miracles in Medieval Canonization Processes: Structures, Functions, and Methodologies (Vol. 23, pp. 257-283). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2018). Réalisme et tradition philosophique chez Heymeric de Campo († 1460). In , Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles) (pp. 249-298). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
. (2018). Reliekhouder van de Moeder Gods met kind. In , Ik, Maria van Gelre. De hertogin en haar uitzonderlijk gebedenboek (1380-1429) (pp. 64-65). Nijmegen-Zwolle: Museum Het Valkhof-Waanders.
. (2018). Saint Martin, Saint Montan(t) and the early rooting of Christianity in the Pays-de-Gaume. In , Rural riches & royal rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws (pp. 69-74). Zwolle: spa.
. (2018). Texandria revisited: in search of a territory lost in time. In , Rural riches & royal rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws (pp. 34-42). Zwolle-Amsterdam: SPA-Uitgevers-Dutch Sociery for Medieval Archaeology.
. (2018). Uitwisseling tussen noord en zuid en verboden import. In , Zuid-Nederlandse miniatuurkunst. De mooiste verluchte handschriften in Nederlands bezit (pp. 120-132). Zwolle-Utrecht-‘s-Gravenhage: WBOOKS-Museum Catharijneconvent-Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
. (2018). Wereldgeschiedenis en encyclopedische werken. In , Zuid-Nederlandse miniatuurkunst. De mooiste verluchte handschriften in Nederlands bezit (pp. 160-171). Zwolle-Utrecht-‘s-Gravenhage: WBOOKS-Museum Catharijneconvent-Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
. (2018). Alltag im Deutschordenskonvent Utrecht im 15. Jahrhundert. In , Das Leben im Ordenshaus. Vorträge der Tagung der interrnationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens in Tallinn 2014 (pp. 164-177). Weimar: Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften.
. (2019). Bishops, Monks and Priests: Defining Religious Institutions by Writing and Rewriting Saints’ Lives (Francia, 6th-11th Centuries). In , Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 143-160). Leiden: Brill.
. (2019). The Breviarium Romanum of Nicolas Ruterius. c. 1500. In , Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 34-35). Leuven: Peeters.
. (2019). A choir psalter for Saint Barbara in Cumlemborg. 1521. In , Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 40-41). Leuven: Peeters.
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Een samengesteld driestel van het Bossche Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap. In , Het einde van de middeleeuwen: Vijftig kunstwerken uit de tijd van Bosch en Erasmus (Vol. 25, pp. 226-231). Nijmegen: Vantilt.
. (2019). Environmental History and Hagiography. In , Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 351-372). Leiden: Brill.
. (2019). The first chronicle of the Abbey of Sint-Truiden. 1138. In , Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 14-15). Leuven: Peeters.
. (2019). The first printing of Thomas a Kempis. 1473. In , Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 26-27). Leuven: Peeters.
. (2019). Guillaume de Rubrouck, Voyage dans l’empire mongol, 1253-1255. Petite Bibliothèque Payot (Vol. 1092, p. 720). Paris: Payot & Rivages.
. (2019). Guillaume de Rubrouck, Voyage dans l’empire mongol, 1253-1255. Petite Bibliothèque Payot (Vol. 1092, p. 720). Paris: Payot & Rivages.
. (2019). Hagiography and Inter-Urban Rivalry: the Vita of St Eucharius, First Bishop of Trier, and Its Use in “Political” Quarrels during the Tenth Century. In , Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 297-313). Leiden: Brill.
. (2019). Hagiography and Inter-Urban Rivalry: the Vita of St Eucharius, First Bishop of Trier, and Its Use in “Political” Quarrels during the Tenth Century. In , Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 297-313). Leiden: Brill.
. (2019). Hagiography, Relics and Secular Politics in Western Europe, 6th–13th Centuries. In , Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 272-294). Leiden: Brill.
. (2019). Het houten doksaal van Holwierde. In , Het einde van de middeleeuwen: Vijftig kunstwerken uit de tijd van Bosch en Erasmus (Vol. 25, pp. 140-145). Nijmegen: Vantilt.
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