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Geloven in de praktijk. Daaadkrachtige vrouwen en mannen. In , Geleefd geloof. Het geloofsleven van boeren en burgers in Friesland en de Ommelanden van Groningen, 1200-1580 (pp. 133-139). Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
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Het Missaal van Park (Oxford, Wadham College, Ms. A.14.12). Een liturgisch boek in opdracht van Ambroos van Engelen, abt van Park. In , Als de bliksem. 900 jaar norbertijnen en norbertinessen (pp. 163-164). Averbode-Heeswijk: Uitgeverij Averbode-Berne Media.
. (2021). Learned Clerics as Intellectuals: Educated Elite – University Party Supporters – Competent Powerbrokers. In , Virtuosos of Faith. Monks, Nuns, Canons, and Friars as Elites of Medieval Cultur (Vol. 78, pp. 135-150). Münster: LIT Verlag.
. (2021). Middeleeuwse bedevaartsplaatsen. In , Geleefd geloof. Het geloofsleven van boeren en burgers in Friesland en de Ommelanden van Groningen, 1200-1580 (pp. 235-237). Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
. (2021). The Mobilization of Thought. A Narratological Approach to Representations of Dream and Vision in Late Medieval Miracle Collections in the Low Countries. In , A Companion to Medieval Miracle Collections (pp. 299-326). Leiden: Brill.
. (2021). The Mobilization of Thought. A Narratological Approach to Representations of Dream and Vision in Late Medieval Miracle Collections in the Low Countries. In , A Companion to Medieval Miracle Collections (pp. 299-326). Leiden: Brill.
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Vrome reizen vanuit laatmiddeleeuws Groningen en Friesland. Pelgrimstekens en bedevaartsampullen. In , Geleefd geloof. Het geloofsleven van boeren en burgers in Friesland en de Ommelanden van Groningen, 1200-1580 (pp. 216-234). Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
. (2021). Was ein Prämonstratenser wissen muss. Philipp von Harveng und sein Werk “Über die Unterweisung der Kleriker”. In , Mit Bibel und Spaten. 900 Jahre Prämonstratenserorden (Vol. 7, pp. 167-177). Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher Verlag.
. (2021). Zur Ikonographie Norberts von Xanten. In , Mit Bibel und Spaten. 900 Jahre Prämonstratenserorden (Vol. 7, pp. 349-399). Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher Verlag.
. (2021). Choreography and Confession: The Memoriale qualiter and Carolingian Monasticism. In , Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780-840). Categorizing the Church (pp. 59-97). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
. (2022). Choreography and Confession: The Memoriale qualiter and Carolingian Monasticism. In , Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780-840). Categorizing the Church (pp. 59-97). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
. (2022). Confusion and the Need to Choose? A Fresh Look at the Objectives Behind the Carolingian Reform Efforts in Capitularies and Conciliar Legislation (c. 750-813)’. In , Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780-840). Categorizing the Church (pp. 99-127). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
. (2022). Confusion and the Need to Choose? A Fresh Look at the Objectives Behind the Carolingian Reform Efforts in Capitularies and Conciliar Legislation (c. 750-813)’. In , Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780-840). Categorizing the Church (pp. 99-127). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
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Die Ausstrahlung der Gründung des Prämonstratenserstiftes Cappenberg. In , Cappenberg. 1122-2022. Der Kopf, das Kloster und seine Stifter (pp. 103-125).
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. (2022). Institutions, Identities, and the Realization of Reform: An Introduction. In , Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780–840): Categorizing the Church. Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
. (2022). Institutions, Identities, and the Realization of Reform: An Introduction. In , Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780–840): Categorizing the Church. Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
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