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Hasse, C. - P. (2021). Zur Ikonographie Norberts von Xanten. In C. - P. Hasse, Köster, G., & Schneidmüller, B. (Red.), Mit Bibel und Spaten. 900 Jahre Prämonstratenserorden (Vol. 7, pp. 349-399). Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher Verlag.
Kairis, P. - Y. (2020). Contexte historique et culturel du retable de Saint-Denis. Autour d’Érard de La Marck et de Lambert Lombard. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 17-35). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Kairis, P. - Y. (2020). Contexte historique et culturel du retable de Saint-Denis. Autour d’Érard de La Marck et de Lambert Lombard. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 17-35). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Knudsen, C. (2020). Daily life in late medieval monasteries. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. II. The High and Late Middle Ages (pp. 1109-1124). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Koopstra, A. (2020). Goossen Van der Weyden and his Workshop. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 250-261). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Mercier, E. (2020). The half-polychromed wooden altarpiece of Saint-Denis. Interdisciplinary study and treatment project step by step. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 37-77). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Cayron, F. (2020). L’apport de la consultation des archives du XIXe siècle pour appréhender la polychromie partielle du retable de Saint-Denis. Interventions, point de vue et appréciation des restaurateurs de l’époque. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 99-113). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Périer-D’Ieteren, C.. (2020). La huche du retable de Saint-Denis : un produit de l’atelier des Borman. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 149-177). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Joly, E. (2020). Lambertus pictor in the Saint-Denis church accounts of 1533. New developments. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 201-213). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
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Lefftz, M. (2020). Les Borman et la Renaissance. La prédelle du retable de Saint-Denis. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 179-199). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Allart, D. (2020). Les volets peints du retable de Saint-Denis et les débuts de Lambert Lombard à Liège. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 215-251). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Kreiner, J. (2020). Merovingian Hagiography. In B. Effros & Moreira, I. (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World (pp. 508-530). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:
Baker, T. M., & Kienzle, B.. (2020). Monastic preaching and the sermon in medieval Latin Christendom to the twelfth century. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. II. The High and Late Middle Ages (pp. 710-728). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kramer, R. (2020). Monasticism, reform and authority in the Carolingian Era. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. I. Origins to the Eleventh Century (pp. 432-449). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kelly, T. F. (2020). Personnel of the Church of Nivelles as seen in the Liber ordinarius. In J. F. Hamburger & Schlotheuber, E. (Red.), The Liber ordinarius of Nivelles (Houghton Library, MSLat 422). Liturgy as Interdisciplinary Intersection (Vol. 111, pp. 341-358). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Kuys, J. A. E. (2020). Secular Chapters in the Diocese of Utrecht from 1295 until the Reformation. In M. Carnier & Meijns, B. L. I. (Red.), De canonicis qui seculares dicuntur. Treize siècles de chapitres séculiers dans les anciens Pays-Bas. Thirteen Centuries of Chapters of Secular Canons in the Low Countries (Vol. 105, pp. 71-95). Turnhout: Brepols.
Kehl, P. (2020). The Veneration of Boniface in the Middle Ages. In M. Aaij & Godlove, S. (Red.), A Companion to Boniface (pp. 357-378). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
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