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Ruusbroec in Edition: Manuscript and Print. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 81-99). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec in Latin: Impulses and Impediments. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 237-285). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec, Jordaens, and Herp on the Common Life: The Transformation of a Spiritual Ideal. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 204-236). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec’s Influence Until c.1800. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 286-302). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec the Author. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 100-129). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). “We Were Perplexed by What he Wrote”. The Carthusians and a Crucial Moment in the Development of Mystical Literature in the Low Countries. In , The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in Monastic History and Heritage (Vol. 4, pp. 217-232). Leuven: Peeters.
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Beatrice as a Theologian of Deification in the Vita Beatricis. Ons Geestelijk Erf, 89(3-4), 317-336.
. (2018). Hervormer van het kloosterleven in Frankrijk. In , De Moderne Devotie. Spiritualiteit en cultuur vanaf de late Middeleeuwen (pp. 178-179). Zwolle: Wbooks.
. (2018). Nulla Separabilis Distinctio Seu Personalis Confusio: The Reception of William of Saint-Thierry by John of Ruusbroec. Cîteaux. Commentarii Cistercienses, 69, 325-338.
. (2018). Begijnen en het ontstaan van de literatuur in de volkstaal: De raadselachtige Hadewijch. In , Gelovige en verstandige vrouwen maken geschiedenis. Over begijnen en begijnhoven in context (pp. 57-73). Antwerpen: Halewijn.
. (2019). The first printing of Thomas a Kempis. 1473. In , Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 26-27). Leuven: Peeters.
. (2019). In actione contemplativus: An Ideal of the Devotio Moderna and Some Antecedents in Spiritual Authors from the Low Countries. In , Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova: Studies in History of Christianity in Honour of Mathijs Lamberigts (Vol. 107, pp. 111-128). Turnhout: Brepols.
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