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Filters: Auteur is Arblaster, John [Alle filters opschonen]
The Influence of Beatrice of Nazareth on Marguerite Porete: The Seven Manners of Love Revised. Citeaux. Commentarii cistercienses, 64, 41-88.
. (2013). Mysticism with or without the Church? John of Ruusbroec's conflict with the Clergy. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 74(1), 18-32.
. (2013). Essential Themes in Ruusbroec’s Mysticism. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 130-178). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). The Eulogy of John of Ruusbroec by Jan van Leeuwen. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 389-392). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). The Eulogy of John of Ruusbroec by Jan van Leeuwen. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 389-392). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). John of Ruusbroec’s Life and Works. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 47-80). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). John of Ruusbroec’s Life and Works. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 47-80). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Mysticism in the Low Countries Before Ruusbroec. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 5-46). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Mysticism in the Low Countries Before Ruusbroec. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 5-46). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Overview of Ruusbroec Research. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 303-338). Leiden-Boston: brill.
. (2014). The Prologue by Brother Gerard of Saintes. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 378-383). Leiden-Boston: brill.
. (2014). The Prologue by Brother Gerard of Saintes. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 378-383). Leiden-Boston: brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec as a Theologian: The Holy Spirit. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 179-203). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec in Edition: Manuscript and Print. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 81-99). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec in Latin: Impulses and Impediments. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 237-285). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec, Jordaens, and Herp on the Common Life: The Transformation of a Spiritual Ideal. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 204-236). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec’s Influence Until c.1800. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 286-302). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec the Author. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 100-129). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). The reciprocity of spiritual love in William of Saint-Thierry and Hadewijch. Bijdragen. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 78(1-2), 39-54.
. (2017). L’influence de Guillaume de Saint-Thierry sur Hadewijch et Marguerite Porete. Cîteaux. Commentarii Cistercienses, 69, 313-324.
. (2018). The Mystical Fulfilment of a Spiritual Ideal. Common Love in Baldwin of Forde, Beatrice of Nazareth and the Vita Beatricis. Ons Geestelijk Erf, 89(3-4), 295-316.
. (2018). Books for Eternity. In , Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 45-79). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2024). Collatio and Codex in the Context of the Devotio Moderna. In , Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 217-246). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2024). Consolation in Late Medieval Dutch Literature. In , Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 319-331). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2024). Die gheestelicke melody. A Program for the Spiritual Life in a Middle Dutch Song Cycle. In , Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (2e ed., pp. 349-372). Turnhout: bre.
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