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My cell is my castle. Variaties op kloosterlijke huiselijkheid, 5de-9de eeuw. Holland, 46(1), 23-30.
. (2014). The Carolingians and the Regula Benedicti. In , Religious Franks. Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong (pp. 243-261). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
. (2016). Merovingian Monasticism: Voices of Dissent. In , The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World (pp. 320-343). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:
. (2020). Choreography and Confession: The Memoriale qualiter and Carolingian Monasticism. In , Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780-840). Categorizing the Church (pp. 59-97). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
. (2022). Finding Founding Fathers. Balderik of Utrecht and the Propagation of Saints’ Cults (c. 917-976). In , Connecting People. Saints, Relics and Communities in the Early Medieval World. In Memory of Janneke Raaijmakers (pp. 93-199). Budapest: Trivent. Verkregen van
. (2025). “Remembered, Blessed, and Praised”. Immaterial Relics in Radbod of Utrecht’s Miracle Story of St. Martin. In , Connecting People. Saints, Relics and Communities in the Early Medieval World. In Memory of Janneke Raaijmakers (pp. 72-92). Budapest: Trivent. Verkregen van
. (2025). Signed and Sealed: Determining the Authenticity of the Relics of St. Rombout in the Early Modern Period. In , Connecting People. Saints, Relics and Communities in the Early Medieval World. In Memory of Janneke Raaijmakers (pp. 195-209). Budapest: Trivent. Verkregen van
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