
Exporteer 2 resultaten:
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Filters: Auteur is Beuckers, Klaus-Gereon  [Alle filters opschonen]
Beuckers, K. - G. (2020). The Abbey Church of St Gertrude in Nivelles: Observations regarding its Architectural Disposition. In J. F. Hamburger & Schlotheuber, E. (Red.), The Liber ordinarius of Nivelles (Houghton Library, MSLat 422). Liturgy as Interdisciplinary Intersection (Vol. 111, pp. 279-312). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
den Hartog, E., Beuckers, K. - G., & Hopp, C.. (2024). The relationship between Meuse-valley and Rhenish architecture. Arnold of Wied’s epochal buildings in Maastricht and Schwarzrheindorf. In Die kölnisch-niederrheinische Spätromanik. Neue Aspekte eines Forschungsfeldes hochmittelalterlicher Architektur (pp. 221-231). Köln: Böhlau.