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Huybens, G. (2016). Fiere Margriet van Leuven. Eigen Schoon en de Brabander, 99(3), 361-372.
Goudriaan, K. (2016). The Franciscans, the Laity and the Printing Press. In K. Goudriaan (Red.), Piety in Practice and Print (Vol. 4, pp. 279-308). Hilversum: Verloren.
van Bueren, T., & Dikken, C.. (2016). From Memoria to Commemoration? Stained-Glass Windows in the Netherlands before and after the Reformation. In T. van Bueren, Cockerham, P., Horch, C., Meuwese, M., & Schilp, T. (Red.), Reformations and their Impact on the Culture of Memoria (Vol. 1, pp. 201-249). Turnhout: Brepols.
de Jong, T. (2016). Fysisch-antropologisch onderzoek van de Sint-Odarelieken. In A. J. A. Bijsterveld, Roelvink, V., & Biemans, J. (Red.), Rondom Sint-OedenRode. Macht, religie en cultuur in de Meierij (pp. 258-272). Woudrichem: Pictures Publishers-Stichting Brabantse Bronnen.
Emery Jr, K. (2014). Fate, Providence and Predestination in the Sapiential Project of Denys the Carthusian. In P. D'hoine & van Riel, G. (Red.), Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought. Studies in honour of Carlos Steel (pp. 617-635). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
van Dijk, M. (2014). Female Leadership and Authority in the Sisterbook of Diepenveen. In V. Fraeters & de Gier, I. (Red.), Mulieres Religiosae. Shaping Female Spiritual Authority in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods (Vol. 12, pp. 243-264). Turnhout: Brepols.
Kikuchi, S. (2014). From Eckhart to Ruusbroec. A Critical Inheritance of Mystical Themes in the Fourteenth Century. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia. Series 1. Studia (Vol. 44, p. 312). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
