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Frans Hendrickx, academisch bibliothecaris van het Ruusbroecgenootschap en kartuizervorser. Ons Geestelijk Erf, 88(2-4), 91-102.
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The Franciscans, the Laity and the Printing Press. In , Piety in Practice and Print (Vol. 4, pp. 279-308). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2016). From Memoria to Commemoration? Stained-Glass Windows in the Netherlands before and after the Reformation. In , Reformations and their Impact on the Culture of Memoria (Vol. 1, pp. 201-249). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2016). Fysisch-antropologisch onderzoek van de Sint-Odarelieken. In , Rondom Sint-OedenRode. Macht, religie en cultuur in de Meierij (pp. 258-272). Woudrichem: Pictures Publishers-Stichting Brabantse Bronnen.
. (2016). The First ‘General Chapter’ of Benedictine Abbots (1131) Reconsidered. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 66(4), 715-734.
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. (2014). Female Leadership and Authority in the Sisterbook of Diepenveen. In , Mulieres Religiosae. Shaping Female Spiritual Authority in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods (Vol. 12, pp. 243-264). Turnhout: Brepols.
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