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Spicer, A. (2003). Iconoclasm and Adaption: The Reformation of the Churches in Scotland and the Netherlands. In D. Gaimster & Gilchrist, R. (Red.), The Archaeology of Reformation 1480-1580 (Vol. 1, pp. 29-43). Leeds: The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology.
Waaijman, K. (2003). Image and Imagelessness. A Challenge to [the Modern] Devotion. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 29-40). Leuven: Peeters.
Demeter, S., & Guilardian, D.. (2003). Implantation des hospices et hôpitaux à Bruxelles (XlIe-XVIIIe siècles). Bulletin du Cercle d'Histoire de Bruxelles, 20(4), 9-14.
Van den Bossche, B. (2004). The iconography of the Rheno-Mosan châsses of the thirteenth century. In S. Blick & Tekippe, R. (Red.), Art and architecture of late medieval pilgrimage in Northern Europe and England (Vol. 104, pp. 649-667). Leiden: Brill.
Marks, R. (2004). Image and devotion in late medieval England (p. 344). Stroud: Sutton.
Schepers, K. (2004). Ioannis Rusbrochii De ornatu spiritualium nuptiarum: Wilhelmo Iordani interprete. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Medaeualis (Vol. 207, p. 408). Turnhout: Brepols.
Tervoort, A. (2004). The iter italicum and the Northern Netherlands. Dutch Students at Italian Universities and Their Role in the Netherlands. Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (Vol. 21, p. 442). Leiden: Brill.
Coomans, T., & Bergmans, A.. (2008). In zuiverheid leven. In T. Coomans & Bergmans, A. (Red.), In zuiverheid leven. Het Sint-Agnesbegijnhof van Sint-Truiden. Het hof, de kerk, de muurschilderingen (Vol. 2, pp. 8-13). Brussel: Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed.
Otten, I. (2008). Internationale “Schildersbijbel” op kerkplafond Enkhuizen. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis, 11(3), 90-91.
Hascher-Burger, U., & Joldersma, H.. (2008). Introduction: Music and the Devotio Moderna. Church History and Religious Culture, 88(3), 313-328.
