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Book Chapter
Huybens, G., & Goubert, K.. (2022). Liturgische gewaden. In G. Huybens, Mellaerts, D., & Dewilde, B. (Red.), De Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven: geschiedenis, architectuur en patrimonium (pp. 350-355). Leuven: Peeters. doi:
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Simons, W. (2009). The Lives of the Beghards. In M. Rubin (Red.), Medieval Christianity in Practice (Vol. 5, pp. 238-245). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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Van Dorst, S. (2020). A Look behind the Scenes: The creation of the Dymphna altarpiece. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 220-247). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
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Willemsen, A. (2008). Looking through Classroom Windows. Daily Life at a Latin School in the Netherlands around 1500. In A. M. W. As-Vijvers, Hermans, J. M. M., & Huisman, G. C. (Red.), Manuscript Studies in the Low Countries. Proceedings of the "Groninger Codicologendagen" in Friesland, 2002 (Vol. 3, pp. 3-20). Groningen-Leeuwarden: Egbert Forsten-Fryske Akademy.
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Tayler, N. Paul. (2022). Lotaringia és Liège hatása azÁrpád-kori Magyarországra, különös tekintettel az Eger-völgyre. In R. Barta, Gliga, E., & Ónadi, S. (Red.), Történeti Tanulmányok XXX. A Debreceni EgyetemTörténelmi Intézetének kiadványa (pp. 6-19). Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem.
