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Book Chapter
Folkerts, S. (2006). The Manuscript Transmission of the Vita Mariae Oigniacensis in the Later Middle Ages. In A. B. Mulder-Bakker (Red.), Mary of Oignies. Mother of Salvation (Vol. 7, pp. 221-241). Turnhout: Brepols.
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Mulder-Bakker, A. B. (2004). Maria doctrix. Anachoretic Women, the Mother of God, and the Transmission of Knowledge. In A. B. Mulder-Bakker (Red.), Seeing and Knowing. Women and Learning in Medieval Europe, 1200-1550 (Vol. 11, pp. 181-199). Turnhout: Brepols.
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Mulder-Bakker, A. B., & van Beek, L.. (2021). Maria, Onze Lieve Vrouw. Hemelkoningin en Redder in Alle Nood. In A. B. Mulder-Bakker & Bremmer Jr, R. H. (Red.), Geleefd geloof. Het geloofsleven van boeren en burgers in Friesland en de Ommelanden van Groningen, 1200-1580 (pp. 118-122). Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
Meijns, B. L. I. (2013). Martyrs, relics and holy places: the christianization of the countryside in the Archdiocese of Rheims during the Meroginvian Period. In C. Steel, Marenbon, J., & Verbeke, W. (Red.), Paganism in the Middle Ages. Threat and Fascination (Vol. 43, pp. 109-138). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Bolton, B. M. (2006). Mary of Oignies. A Friend to the Saints. In A. B. Mulder-Bakker (Red.), Mary of Oignies. Mother of Salvation (Vol. 7, pp. 199-220). Turnhout: Brepols.
Murray, J. (2004). Masculinizing Religious Life: Sexual Prowess, the Battle for Chastity and Monastic Identity. In P. H. Cullum & Lewis, K. J. (Red.), Holiness and masculinity in the Middle Ages (pp. 24-42). Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Griffiths, F. (2020). The mass in monastic practice: Nuns and Ordained Monks, c. 400-1200. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. II. The High and Late Middle Ages (pp. 729-746). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Diehl, J. (2017). Masters and Schools at St Laurent: Rupert of Deutz and the Scholastic Culture of a Liégeois Monastery. In S. Vanderputten, Snijders, T., & Diehl, J. (Red.), Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300 (Vol. 37, pp. 151-182). Turnhout: Brepols.
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Burton, J. (2009). Material support II: religious orders. In M. Rubin & Simons, W. (Red.), Christianity in Western Europe, c. 1100-c. 1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 107-113). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Collins, T. (2023). Materiality and Archaeology of Women Religious. In J. Burton & Curran, K. A. (Red.), Medieval women religious c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives (pp. 182-201). Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
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