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de Moor, G. (2000). Lonen en prijzen in het cisterciënzerinnenklooster Leeuwenhorst bij Noordwijkerhout tussen 1410/11 en 1570/71. Amsterdamse Historische Reeks. Kleine Serie (Vol. 42, p. 419). Hilversum: Verloren.
Clanchy, M. (2018). Looking Back from the Invention of Printing. Mothers and the Teaching of Reading in the Middle Ages. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy (Vol. 40, p. XII+211). Turnhout: Brepols.
Tanner, H. (2023). Lordship and Governance by the Countesses of Boulogne (1160-1260). Gender and Power in the Premodern World (p. 177). Leeds: ARC Humanities Press.
Bauer, T. (1997). Lotharingien als historischer Raum. Raumbildung und Raumbewußtsein im Mittelalter. Rheinisches Archiv (Vol. 136, p. 835+49). Köln: Böhlau.
Tracy, J. D. (2005). The Low Countries in the sixteenth century. Erasmus, religion and politics, trade and finance. Variorum Collected Studies Series (Vol. 808, p. 346). Burlington: Ashgate.
Mertens, J. (2022). Machtige ridders, burgerlijke herders. De Duitse Orde en haar priesters in het land van Maas en Rijn (1220-1800). Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de Duitse Ordein de balije Biesen (Vol. 11, p. 429). Bilzen: Historisch Studiecentrum Alden Biesen v.z.w.
Cayron, F., & Steyaert, D.. (2019). Made in Malines. Les statuettes malinoises ou poupées de Malines de 1500-1540. Étude matérielle et typologique. Made in Malines. Les statuettes malinoises ou poupées de Malines de 1500-1540. Étude matérielle et typologique (Vol. 1-16, Vol. Scientia Artis, p. 233). Turnhout: Brepols.
Derolez, A. (2015). The Making and Meaning of the Liber Floridus. A Study of the Original Manuscript, Ghent, University Library, MS 92. Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History (Vol. 76, p. 355). London: Harvey Miller.
Kunkel, T. (2019). Man on Fire. The Life and Spirit of Norbert of Xanten (p. 183). De Pere: St. Norbert College Press-Center for Norbertine Studies.
Legrand, F., & van Aelst, J.. (2001). Manuel de réforme intérieure. Tractatus devotus de reformacione virium anime. Sous la règle de saint Augustin (Vol. 8, p. 357). Turnhout: Brepols.
van der Werff, E. O. (2003). Martini. Kerk en toren (p. 203). Groningen: Noordboek.
Castelli, E. A. (2004). Martyrdom and memory: early Christian culture making (p. 352). New York: Columbia University Press.
Wasyliw, P. N. (2008). Martyrdom, Murder, and Magic. Child Saints and their Cults in Medieval Europe. Studies in Church History (Vol. 2, p. 203). New York: Lang.
Suykerbuyk, R. (2020). The matter of piety. Zoutleeuw’s church of Saint Leonard and religious material culture in the Low Countries (c. 1450-1620). Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History (Vol. 16, p. 428). Leiden-Boston: Brill. Verkregen van
