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Book Chapter
Delaissé, E.. (2014). The Cisterian Network: the Flemish Abbey of Ter Doest and Scandinavia. In L. Bisgaard, Engsbro, S., Villads Jensen, K., & Nybu, T. (Red.), Monastic Culture. The Long Thirteenth Century. Essays in Honour of Brian Patrick McGuirre (pp. 269-283). Odense: University Press of South Denmark.
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Wüstefeld, (H. )W. C. M.. (2011). Clavicula Salomonis or: Occult Affairs in Amsterdam’s Kalverstraat? Jacob Cornelisz. Van Oostanen and Saul and the Witch of Endor Revisited. In R. de Weijert, Ragetli, K., Bijsterveld, A. J. A., & van Arenthals, J. (Red.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 347-363). Hilversum: Verloren.
Meier, J. (2010). Cleholta - Clarus Ortus - Clarholz. Das Kloster der Prämonstratenser in der Axtbachniederung. In J. Meier (Red.), Klöster und Landschaft. Das kulturräumliche Erbe der Orden (pp. 61-102). Münster: Aschendorff.
van den Hoven van Genderen, A. J. (B. ). (2022). Clerical and Ecclesiastical Ideas of Territory in the Late Medieval Low Countries. In M. J. M. Damen & Overlaet, K. (Red.), Constructing and representing territory in late medieval and early modern Europe (pp. 81-115). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. doi:
Duggan, A. J. (2017). Clerical Exemption in Canon Law from Gratian to the Decretals. In C. West (Red.), Religious Exemption in Pre-Modern Eurasia, c. 300-1300 CE (Vol. 6, pp. 78-100). Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. doi:10.1553/medievalworlds_no6_2017s78
Dubourg, N. (2018). Clerical Leprosy and the Ecclesiastical Office. Dis/Ability and Canon Law. In E. Connelly & Künzel, S. (Red.), New Approaches to Disease, Disability and Medicine in Medieval Europe (pp. 62-77). Oxford: Archaeopress. doi:
Meijns, B. L. I. (2016). Clerus en kloosterlingen. In V. Lambert & Stabel, P. (Red.), Gouden tijden. Rijkdom en Status in de Middeleeuwen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (pp. 319-363). Tielt: Lannoo.
Vanderputten, S. (2013). The Cloaked Lady of Floreffe: Allegorizing Monastic History in the Fifteenth-Century Chronique de Floreffe (Brussels, Royal Library, 18064–69) . In T. de Hemptinne, Fraeters, V., & Gongora, M. E. (Red.), Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150-1650) (Vol. 2, pp. 173-210). Turnhout: Brepols.
Bollmann, A. M. (2020). Close Enough to Touch: Tension between Inner Devotion and Communal Piety in the Congregations of Sisters of the Devotio Moderna. In R. Hofman, Caspers, C. M. A., Nissen, P., van Dijk, M., & Oosterman, J. B. (Red.), Inwardness, Individualization, and Religious Agency in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Studies in The 'Devotio Moderna' and its Contexts (Vol. 43, pp. 137-158). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:
Timmermans, L. (2020). Clothing and Utensils as Attributes on the Dymphna altarpiece. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 362-374). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
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Derolez, A. (2020). Codicology and Paleography of the Nivelles Liber ordinarius. In J. F. Hamburger & Schlotheuber, E. (Red.), The Liber ordinarius of Nivelles (Houghton Library, MSLat 422). Liturgy as Interdisciplinary Intersection (Vol. 111, pp. 15-34). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Derolez, A. (2011). The codicology of late medieval music manuscripts: some preliminary observations. In J. Haines (Red.), The Calligraphy of Medieval Music (Vol. 1, pp. 23-36). Turnhout: Brepols.
van Spijker, I. 't. (1991). Cohesie versus chaos. De hagiografische perceptie van religieus gezag. In H. B. Theunis, Hagoort, H. N., van Spijker, I. 't, & Wegman, H. A. J. (Red.), Kerstening van christenen. De verhouding van geestelijken en leken in de hoge middeleeuwen (pp. 87-114). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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Anciaux, K. (2017). Coleta van Corbie. Een leven met een missie. In L. Kusters (Red.), Van de wereld. Beelden van beslotenheid en bevrijding (pp. 107-112). Leuven: Parcum-Davidsfonds.
Mertens, T. (2024). Collatio and Codex in the Context of the Devotio Moderna. In J. Arblaster, Ermens, D., Fraeters, V., Schepers, K., & Stoop, P. (Red.), Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 217-246). Turnhout: Brepols.
Jaski, B. (2018). Collecties handschriftfragmenten in de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht. In B. Jaski, Mostert, M., & van Vliet, K. (Red.), Perkament in stukken. Teruggevonden middeleeuwse handschriftfragmenten (Vol. 171, pp. 22-33). Hilversum: Verloren.
van Duijl, J. (2019). Collecting property for the founding of a Teutonic House in Utrecht (1218-1235). In N. Morton (Red.), Piety, Pugnacity and Property (Vol. 7, pp. 59-74). London: Routledge.
Klein, H. A. (2011). Collecting Relics from Late Antiquity to the Early Renaissance. In M. Bagnoli, Klein, H. A., Mann, G. C., & Robinson, J. (Red.), Treasures of Heaven. Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe (pp. 55-67). London: The British Museum Press.
Damen, M. J. M., & Stein, R. M.. (2012). Collective memory and personal memoria. The Carthusian monastery of Scheut as a crossroads of urban and princely patronage in fifteenth-century Brabant. In J. - M. Cauchies (Red.), Mémoires conflictuelles et mythes concurrents dans les pays bourguignons (ca. 1380-1580) (Vol. 52, pp. 29-48). Turnhout: Brepols.
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