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Book Chapter
Wilkin, A. (2013). Corvée ou salariat ? Contribution à l’histoire des structures foncières en Basse-Lotharingie au début du second millénaire, par l’exemple des domaines centraux de l’abbaye de Saint-Trond. In A. Wilkin & Kupper, J. - L. (Red.), Évêque et prince. Notger et la Basse-Lotharingie aux alentours de l’an Mil (Vol. 2, pp. 121-179). Liège: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
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Rottier, H. (2010). Cornelius Jansenius in een veranderende samenleving. In J. de Kort & Lockefeer, J. (Red.), Cornelius Jansenius van Hulst. 1510-1576. Theoloog en Pastor. Bisschop van Gent (pp. 13-38). Hulst: Oudheidkundige Kring ‘De Vier Ambachten’.
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Pansters, K. (2013). Cor, cella, claustrum, ecclesia. Denys the Carthusian (1402/1403-1471) on Discretio and inner reform. In S. J. Molvarec & Gaens, T. (Red.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity (Vol. 2, pp. 199-209). Leuven: Peeters.
Hermand, X. (2014). Copie et circulation des livres chez les croisiers réformés au xve siècle. In N. Bériou, Morard, M., & Nebbiai Dalla Guarda, D. (Red.), Entre stabilité et itinérance. Livres et culture des ordres mendiants, 13e-15e siècle (Vol. 37, pp. 229-246). Turnhout: Brepols.
Roest, B. (2001). Converting the other and converting the self: double objectives in Franciscan educational writings. In G. Amstrong & Wood, I. N. (Red.), Christianizing peoples and converting individuals (Vol. 7, pp. 295-301). Turnhout: Brepols.
van Egmond, W. S. (2001). Converting monks: missionary activity in early medieval Frisia and Saxony. In G. Armstrong & Wood, I. N. (Red.), Christianizing peoples and converting individuals (Vol. 7, pp. 37-45). Turnhout: Brepols.
van Egmond, W. S. (2001). Converting monks: missionary activity in early medieval Frisia and Saxony. In G. Amstrong & Wood, I. N. (Red.), Christianizing peoples and converting individuals (Vol. 7, pp. 37-45). Turnhout: Brepols.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). The Conversion of the Low Countries and Church Institutions until c. 1070 . In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 53-80). Turnhout: Brepols.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). Conversion: A Never-Ending Process II - Hermits & Canons. In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 153-168). Turnhout: Brepols.
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Waegeman, T. (2013). Contractbeheer onder de abdissen de Lechy (1512-1550) en nieuwe inzichten in de bouwgeschiedenis van Herkenrode. In G. Caluwaerts, Houben, S., Rock, T., & Steuer, S. (Red.), Monasterium Herkenrode (Vol. 3, pp. 11-58). Hasselt: Studiecentrum Herkenrode vzw.
Blennemann, G., & Helvétius, A. - M.. (2023). Continuities and Transformations in Hagiography. In S. Vanderputten (Red.), Rethinking Reform in the Latin West, 10th to Early 12th Century (pp. 196-221). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
Reilly, D. (2023). Continuities and Transformations in Art, Manuscript Culture, and Architecture. In S. Vanderputten (Red.), Rethinking Reform in the Latin West, 10th to Early 12th Century (pp. 222-255). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
Bennett, A. (2002). Continuïteit en vernieuwing in de religieuze boekcultuur van de Lage Landen in de 13de en de 14de eeuw. In B. Cardon, Van der Stock, J., Vanwijnsberghe, D., Dekeyzer, B., & Callens, K. (Red.), Meesterlijke Middeleeuwen. Miniaturen van Karel de Grote tot Karel de Stoute, 800-1475 (pp. 167-178). Leuven-Zwolle: Davidsfonds-Waanders.
Kairis, P. - Y. (2020). Contexte historique et culturel du retable de Saint-Denis. Autour d’Érard de La Marck et de Lambert Lombard. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 17-35). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Soen, V. (2019). Containing Students and Scholars Within Borders? The Foundation of Universities in Reims and Douai and Transregional Transfers in Early Modern Catholicism. In V. Soen, Soetaert, A., Verberckmoes, J., & François, W. (Red.), Transregional Reformations: Crossing Borders in Early Modern Europe (Vol. 61, pp. 267-294). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Lauwers, M. (2020). Constructing monastic space in the early and central medieval West (5th–12th c.). In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. I. Origins to the Eleventh Century (pp. 317-339). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pauwels, J. (2008). Constant Philippe Serrure (1805-1872). In M. de Schepper, Kelders, A., & Pauwels, J. (Red.), In de ban van boeken. Grote verzamelaars uit de negentiende eeuw in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België (pp. 141-142). Brussel: Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België.
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Mertens, T. (2024). Consolation in Late Medieval Dutch Literature. In J. Arblaster, Ermens, D., Fraeters, V., Schepers, K., & Stoop, P. (Red.), Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 319-331). Turnhout: Brepols.
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