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The Anglo-Saxon Continental Mission and the Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge. In , Foundations of Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (Vol. 9, pp. 19-50). Leuven: Peeters.
. (2007). Footprints of Monastic Instruction: A Latin Psalter with Interverbal Old Frisian Glosses. In , Signs on the edge: Space, text and margin in Medieval manuscripts (Vol. 10, pp. 203-234). Leuven: Peeters.
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Tussen hel en hemel. Geloof in het laatmiddeleeuwse Friese rechtsleven. In , Geleefd geloof. Het geloofsleven van boeren en burgers in Friesland en de Ommelanden van Groningen, 1200-1580 (pp. 30-39). Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
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