Nuns' Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Dialogue

Het derde congres van Nuns' Literacies vindt plaats van dinsdag 4 juni tot en met vrijdag 7 juni op twee locaties in Antwerpen (Grauwzustersklooster, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7 en Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13, beide 2000 Antwerpen.

Van de ruim twintig lezingen betreffen er een zevental de Nederlanden:

Julie Somers (Universiteit Leiden; NL) - 'The Butcher, the Baker, and the Manuscript Maker: Nuns' Role in Twelfth-Century Textual Production'

Alison More (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen; NL) - 'Identity, Preaching and Literacy: The Emergence of a Textual Identity in Houses of Franciscan Tertiary Women'

Patricia Stoop (Universiteit Antwerpen; B) - 'Sister Lysken and the Sermons of Balthazar van der Heyden for the Poor Clares of Louvain (MS Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 3039)'

Anne Jenny-Clark (Université de Lille, 3; F) - 'The Noble Women's Chapter of Sainte-Waudru's Collegiate in Mons (Hainaut): The Transmission of Books between Cannonesses'.

Kris Van Put (Universiteit Antwerpen, B) - 'The Authority of Love: Beatrice of Nazareth's Autobiographical Writing Revisited'.

Mary Erler (Fordham University; USA) - 'Transmission of Birgittine Images from Flanders to England'

Anne Bollmann (Universiteit Groningen; NL) - 'Bringing the Dead to Life: Telling Stories, Constructing Legacies and Remembering in the Houses of Sisters of the Modern Devotion'

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