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Watteeuw, L. (2020). The Illuminated Parchment Mitre of Bisschop Jacques de Vitry (c. 1165-1240). In J. - M. Auwers & Vanysacker, D. (Red.), Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova: Studies in History of Christianity in Honour of Mathijs Lamberigts (Vol. 107, pp. 49-59). Turnhout: Brepols.
Faesen, R. (2020). In actione contemplativus: An Ideal of the Devotio Moderna and Some Antecedents in Spiritual Authors from the Low Countries. In J. - M. Auwers & Vanysacker, D. (Red.), Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova: Studies in History of Christianity in Honour of Mathijs Lamberigts (Vol. 107, pp. 111-128). Turnhout: Brepols.
Timmermans, L. (2020). Kleding en gebruiksobjecten als attributen op het Dimpnaaltaarstuk. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Zot van Dimpna. Acht panelen vol passie, lef en rebellie (pp. 362-374). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Van Dorst, S. (2020). A Look behind the Scenes: The creation of the Dymphna altarpiece. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 220-247). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Van Dorst, S. (2020). A Look behind the Scenes: The creation of the Dymphna altarpiece. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 220-247). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Medieval Monasticisms. Forms and Experiences of the Monastic Life in the Latin West. Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte (Vol. 47, p. 394). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Monastic reform in the tenth to early twelfth century. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. I. Origins to the Eleventh Century (pp. 599-617). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Périer-D’Ieteren, C.. (2020). Painting in Antwerp around 1500: Goossen Van der Weyden and the Dymphna Altarpiece. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 156-178). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Van Dorst, S. (2020). The Patrons of the Dymphna Altarpiece Unmasked. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 96-108). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Van Dorst, S. (2020). The Patrons of the Dymphna Altarpiece Unmasked. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 96-108). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Van Belleghem, D. (2020). Pioniersproject rond religieus erfgoed. ‘Sacred Books | Secret Libraries’. Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 171, 38-39.
Druwé, W.. (2020). The Relationship between Secular and Ecclesiastical Authorities in the Consultations of Pontifical Law by Joannes Wamesius (1524-1590). In J. - M. Auwers & Vanysacker, D. (Red.), Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova: Studies in History of Christianity in Honour of Mathijs Lamberigts (Vol. 107, pp. 145-157). Turnhout: Brepols.
Van der Eycken, M. (2020). Ridders in de Lage Landen. 800 jaar Duitse ridderorde (p. 256). Gorredijk: Sterck & De Vreese.
Vones-Liebenstein, U. (2020). Similarities and differences between Monks and regular Canons in the twelfth century. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. II. The High and Late Middle Ages (pp. 766-782). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Van der Eycken, J. (2020). Sous la protection d’une croix en or. Les chapitres féminins dans la vallée mosane. In De canonicis qui seculares dicuntur. Treize siècles de chapitres séculiers dans les anciens Pays-Bas. Thirteen Centuries of Chapters of Secular Canons in the Low Countries (Vol. 105, pp. 123-136). Turnhout: Brepols.
Schalley, N. (2020). Van sinte digne der h. maghet. De cultus van de heilige Dimpna in beeld en gebed. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Zot van Dimpna. Acht panelen vol passie, lef en rebellie (pp. 282-294). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Schalley, N. (2020). Van sinte digne der h. maghet. The Cult of Saint Dymphna in Image and Prayer. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 282-294). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
