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Vandermaesen, M. (1989). Artaud Flote, abt van Vézelay en raadsheer van de graaf van Vlaanderen. Triomf en val van een hoveling (1322-1332). Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, 43, 103-127.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Medieval Monasticisms. Forms and Experiences of the Monastic Life in the Latin West. Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte (Vol. 47, p. 394). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Vanderputten, S. (2011). Flemish Monasticism, Comital Power, and the Archbishops of Canterbury: A Written Legacy from the Late Tenth Century. In D. Rollason, Leyser, C., & Williams, H. (Red.), England and the Continent in the Tenth Century. Studies in Honour of Wilhelm Levison (1876-1947) (Vol. 37, pp. 67-86). Turnhout: Brepols.
Vanderputten, S., & Reilly, D.. (2014). Gerardus Cameracensis. Acta Synodi Atrebatensis, Vita Autberti, Vita Gaugerici, Varia scripta ex officina Gerardi exstantia. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (Vol. 270, p. CCLXII+39). Turnhout: Brepols.
Vanderputten, S. (2015). The First ‘General Chapter’ of Benedictine Abbots (1131) Reconsidered. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 66(4), 715-734.
Vanderputten, S. (2020). Monastic reform in the tenth to early twelfth century. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. I. Origins to the Eleventh Century (pp. 599-617). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Vanderputten, S. (2017). Universal Historiography as Process? Shaping Monastic Memories in the eleventh-Century Chronicle of Saint-Vaast. In M. Campopiano & Bainton, H. (Red.), Universal Chronicles in the High Middle Ages (Vol. 4, pp. 43-64). Woodbridge: York Medieval Press.
Vanderputten, S. (2015). Debating reform in tenth- and early eleventh-century female monasticism. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 125(3), 289-306.
Vanderputten, S. (2003). Geschiedschrijving en public relations in een Vlaams cisterciënzerklooster aan het einde van de vijftiende eeuw. In M. Nuyttens (Red.), Kloosterwezen in West-Vlaanderen. Bronnen en Geschiedenis. Studiedag georganiseerd te Brugge op 21 oktober 2002 (Vol. 152, pp. 121-134). Brussel: Algemeen Rijksarchief en Rijksarchief in de Provinciën.
Vanderputten, S. (2019). The dignity of our bodies and the salvation of our souls : scandal, purity, and the pursuit of unity in late tenth-century monasticism. In S. Greer, Hicklin, A., & Esders, S. (Red.), Using and not using the past after the Carolingian empire, c. 900-c. 1050 (pp. 262-281). London: Routledge.
Vanderputten, S. (2015). Communities of Practice and Emotional Aspects of Loyalty in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century Monasticism. In J. Sonntag & Zermatten, C. (Red.), Loyalty in the Middle Ages: Ideal and Practice of a Cross-Social Value (Vol. 5, pp. 279-303). Turnhout: Brepols. doi:10.1484/M.BCEEC-EB.5.110175
