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Visser, J. (2025). Finding Founding Fathers. Balderik of Utrecht and the Propagation of Saints’ Cults (c. 917-976). In A. Diem, de Jong, M., & van Renswoude, I. (Red.), Connecting People. Saints, Relics and Communities in the Early Medieval World. In Memory of Janneke Raaijmakers (pp. 93-199). Budapest: Trivent. Verkregen van
Rose, E. (2025). “Remembered, Blessed, and Praised”. Immaterial Relics in Radbod of Utrecht’s Miracle Story of St. Martin. In A. Diem, de Jong, M., & van Renswoude, I. (Red.), Connecting People. Saints, Relics and Communities in the Early Medieval World. In Memory of Janneke Raaijmakers (pp. 72-92). Budapest: Trivent. Verkregen van
Schilling, R. (2025). Signed and Sealed: Determining the Authenticity of the Relics of St. Rombout in the Early Modern Period. In A. Diem, de Jong, M., & van Renswoude, I. (Red.), Connecting People. Saints, Relics and Communities in the Early Medieval World. In Memory of Janneke Raaijmakers (pp. 195-209). Budapest: Trivent. Verkregen van
Lohrmann, D. (2024). Alcuin als planender Architekt in York und Aachen. Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 58(1), 95-113. doi:
Breitenstein, M. (2024). Am Anfang war das Wunder Legitimationsstrategien religiöser Orden im Vergleich. In N. Nowakowski, Koch, E., & Weitbrecht, J. (Red.), Konfigurationen des Wunders. Texte, Praktiken und Funktionen in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (pp. 111-124). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Bierma, L. (2024). An Analysis of Guy de Brès’ Le baston (1559-1565), Chapter 10: Baptism. Church History and Religious Culture, 104(2), 209-220.
Maillard-Luypaert, M. (2024). Au service de Dieu et du prince : Henri de Berghes, dernier évêque-comte de Cambrai (1480-1502). In A. Marchandisse & Docquier, G. (Red.), Ecclésiastiques, intellectuels et artistes au service du prince, en pays bourguignons et italiens (XIVe-XVIe siècles). Rencontres de Ferrare (28 septembre-1er octobre 2023 (pp. 133-143). Turnhout: Brepols.
Wauters, W. (2024). Bekoorlijke klankbeelden. Altaarbel. 1544. In P. Scholliers, Dierkens, A., Galand, M., Geysen, I., Januarius, J., Verboven, K., & von Hoffmann, V. (Red.), Een geschiedenis van België in 100 voorwerpen. Van de prehistorie tot nu (pp. 300-303). Tielt: Lannoo.
Mertens, T. (2024). Books for Eternity. In J. Arblaster, Ermens, D., Fraeters, V., Schepers, K., & Stoop, P. (Red.), Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 45-79). Turnhout: Brepols.
Melville, G. (2024). Canonistic Discourses in the Middle Ages on Monks and Pastoral Care. In T. Ohnuki, Melville, G., Akae, Y., & Takeda, K. (Red.), Pastoral Care and Monasticism in Latin Christianity and Japanese Buddhism (ca. 800-1650) (pp. 9-24). Münster: LIT.
Westwell, A. (2024). The Carolingian Sacramentaries of Saint-Amand. Art, Script, and Liturgical Creativity in an Early Medieval Monastery. Research in Medieval and Early Modern Culture (p. XXIV+488). Berlin: De Gruyter. doi:
Jamroziak, E. (2024). Cistercians and the Care of Souls from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century. In T. Ohnuki, Melville, G., Akae, Y., & Takeda, K. (Red.), Pastoral Care and Monasticism in Latin Christianity and Japanese Buddhism (ca. 800-1650) (pp. 77-88). Münster: LIT.
Ohnuki, T. (2024). The Cistercians, Parish Churches, and Pastoral Care in the High Middle Ages. In T. Ohnuki, Melville, G., Akae, Y., & Takeda, K. (Red.), Pastoral Care and Monasticism in Latin Christianity and Japanese Buddhism (ca. 800-1650) (pp. 61-76). Münster: LIT.
Roelens, J. (2024). Citizens and Sodomites: Persecution and Perception of Sodomy in the Southern Low Countries (1400–1700). Crime and City in History (Vol. 6, p. XII+430). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
Mertens, T. (2024). Collatio and Codex in the Context of the Devotio Moderna. In J. Arblaster, Ermens, D., Fraeters, V., Schepers, K., & Stoop, P. (Red.), Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 217-246). Turnhout: Brepols.
Mertens, T. (2024). Consolation in Late Medieval Dutch Literature. In J. Arblaster, Ermens, D., Fraeters, V., Schepers, K., & Stoop, P. (Red.), Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens (pp. 319-331). Turnhout: Brepols.
