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Memoria rond Montfoort. Het testament van ridder Roelof de Rover van Montfoort. In , Macht, bezit en ruimte. Opstellen over de noordelijke Nederlanden in de middeleeuwen aangeboden aan Hans Mol bij zijn afscheid als bijzonder hoogleraar Geschiedenis van de Friese landen in de Middeleeuwen aan de Universiteit Leiden (pp. 429-411). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2021). De stichtingskronieken van het Utrechtse kartuizerklooster Nieuwlicht. Ons Geestelijk Erf, 88(2-4), 233-257.
. (2017). Schenken, begraven, gedenken. Lekenmemoria in het Utrechtse kartuizerklooster Nieuwlicht (1391-1580). Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
. (2015). Clavicula Salomonis or: Occult Affairs in Amsterdam’s Kalverstraat? Jacob Cornelisz. Van Oostanen and Saul and the Witch of Endor Revisited. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 347-363). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). The Founder, the Chaplain and the Ecclesiastical Authorities. Chantries in the Low Countries. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 195-206). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Geert Grote: a Founder Fading into Oblivion?. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 165-177). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Gift-Giving Practices in the Utrecht Charterhouse. Donating to be Remembered?. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 147-164). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Gift-Giving Practices in the Utrecht Charterhouse. Donating to be Remembered?. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 147-164). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). In Word and Deed. Margaret of York and the Inclusion of Manuscript Collections in Memoria Research. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 59-77). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Memor esto mei. Devotional Diptychs and Religious Orders in the Late Medieval Low Countries. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 269-287). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Memoria and Amende Honorable in the Utrecht Collegiate Chapter of St. Mary. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 235-250). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Metra de Morte. Eine lateinische Totenklage über den verstorbenen Graf Guy von Blois (1397), als Teil der sich entwickelnden Memoriakultur. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 131-145). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). A Monument to a Glorious Past and a Questionable Future? The Jerusalem Chapel in Bruges and its Stained Glass Windows. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 79-96). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Obituaries or Anniversary Books: Handle with Care! The Example of the Ypres Confraternity of Our Lady. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 179-193). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). Royal Burial Places in Western Europe. Creating Tradition, Succession and Memoria. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 25-43). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011). The Triptych of the Pauw-Sas Family from the Utrecht Charterhouse. In , Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Vol. 137, pp. 321-332). Hilversum: Verloren.
. (2011).