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Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime. In , Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea area (Middle Ages - 20th century). Elements for Comparison (Vol. 2, pp. 30-64). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (1999). Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. In , Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea area (Middle Ages - 20th century). Elements for Comparison (Vol. 2, pp. 85-112). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (1999). A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, c.1360-c.1570. In , Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea area (Middle Ages - 20th century). Elements for Comparison (Vol. 2, pp. 297-309). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (1999). De 'Capitula adhuc conferenda' van Lodewijk de Vrome en de domeinen van de Gentse Sint-Baafsabdij in Noord-Frankrijk. In , Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorem Adriaan Verhulst (pp. 325-345). Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju .
. (1995). La gestion domaniale d'une grande abbaye périurbaine. Forest à la fin du moyen âge. In , Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorem Adriaan Verhulst (pp. 493-515). Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju .
. (1995). La villa de Délémont partagée par Baudouin V de Flandre entre le chapitre de Lille et l'abbaye de Messines en 1066. Cartographie d'un domaine comtal. In , Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorem Adriaan Verhulst (pp. 397-427). Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju .
. (1995). Mandatory celibacy and priestly ministry in the diocese of Tournai at the end of the Middle Ages. In , Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorem Adriaan Verhulst (pp. 681-692). Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju .
. (1995). Quelques réflexions sur l'abbaye de Saint-Trond à la fin du IXe et au Xe siècle. In , Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorem Adriaan Verhulst (pp. 363-377). Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju .
. (1995). Saint-Bavon en Zélande. In , Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorem Adriaan Verhulst (pp. 379-396). Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju .
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