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Milis, L. J. R., & Voordeckers, E.. (2005). The Byzantine Cross of Eine. In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 291-326). Turnhout: Brepols.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). The Church in the Low Countries between Gregorian Reform and Avignon. In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 81-152). Turnhout: Brepols.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). Conversion: A Never-Ending Process II - Hermits & Canons. In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 153-168). Turnhout: Brepols.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). The Conversion of the Low Countries and Church Institutions until c. 1070 . In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 53-80). Turnhout: Brepols.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). Dispute and Settlement in Medieval Cenobitical Rules. In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 271-290). Turnhout: Brepols.
Vanderputten, S. (2005). From Sermon to Science: Monastic Prologues from the Southern Low Countries as Witnesses of Historical Consciousness (10th-15th Centuries). In W. Verbeke, Milis, L. J. R., & Goossens, J. (Red.), Medieval Narrative Sources. A Gateway into the Medieval Mind (Vol. 34, pp. 37-54). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). Hermits and Regular Canons in the Twelfth Century. In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 181-248). Turnhout: Brepols.
Milis, L. J. R. (2005). The Regular Canons and Some Socio-Religious Aspects about the Year 1100. In J. Deploige, De Reu, M., Simons, W., & Vanderputten, S. (Red.), Religion, Culture, and Mentalities in the Medieval Low Countries. Selected Essays (pp. 169-180). Turnhout: Brepols.
Vanderputten, S. (2005). Une iconographie de l’historiographie monastique: réalité ou fiction?. In W. Verbeke, Milis, L. J. R., & Goossens, J. (Red.), Medieval Narrative Sources. A Gateway into the Medieval Mind (Vol. 34, pp. 251-269). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
