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Ruusbroec in Edition: Manuscript and Print. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 81-99). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec in Latin: Impulses and Impediments. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 237-285). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec, Jordaens, and Herp on the Common Life: The Transformation of a Spiritual Ideal. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 204-236). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec’s Influence Until c.1800. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 286-302). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). Ruusbroec the Author. In , A Companion to John of Ruusbroec (Vol. 51, pp. 100-129). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
. (2014). “We Were Perplexed by What he Wrote”. The Carthusians and a Crucial Moment in the Development of Mystical Literature in the Low Countries. In , The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in Monastic History and Heritage (Vol. 4, pp. 217-232). Leuven: Peeters.
. (2014). The Appearance of Queen Reason: Construction and Pragmatics of the Imagery in Vision 9 of Hadewijch. In , Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150-1650) (Vol. 2, pp. 65-94). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2013). The Appearance of Queen Reason: Construction and Pragmatics of the Imagery in Vision 9 of Hadewijch. In , Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150-1650) (Vol. 2, pp. 65-94). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2013). Auctoritas - consilium - consensus. Zur Einschränkung der Macht des Abtes im Mittelalter. In , Les personnes d'autorité en milieu régulier. Des origines de la vie régulière au XVIIIe siècle (Vol. 22, pp. 27-46). Saint-Etienne: CERCOR.
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Campagnes d'archéologie globale 2011-2012 sur le site de l'abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy à Rochefort. Archaeologia mediaevalis, 36, 77-79.
. (2013). Challenging the Paradigms: Holy Writ and Lay Readers in Late Medieval Europe. Church History and Religious Culture, 93(2), 171-188.
. (2013). The Cloaked Lady of Floreffe: Allegorizing Monastic History in the Fifteenth-Century Chronique de Floreffe (Brussels, Royal Library, 18064–69) . In , Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150-1650) (Vol. 2, pp. 173-210). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2013). Ghenge ende gheve in Grave. Fondsvorming van armeninstellingen en middeleeuwse monetaire problematiek. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland (p. 383). Tilburg: ZHC.
. (2013). How Gendered was Clairvoyance in the Thirteenth Century? The Case of Simon of Aulne. In , Speaking to the Eye. Sight and Insight through Text and Image (1150-1650) (Vol. 2, pp. 95-128). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2013). Identification de céramiques carolingiennes issues des fouilles de l'ancienne collégiale romane Saints-Michel-et-Gudule à Bruxelles (Région Br.). Archaeologia mediaevalis, 36, 73-74.
. (2013). The Influence of Beatrice of Nazareth on Marguerite Porete: The Seven Manners of Love Revised. Cîteaux. Commentarii Cistercienses, 64(1/2), 41-88.
. (2013). The Influence of Beatrice of Nazareth on Marguerite Porete: The Seven Manners of Love Revised. Citeaux. Commentarii cistercienses, 64, 41-88.
. (2013). Memoria et Caritas. Jaargetijden als armenzorg in de Onze-Lieve-Vrouweparochie te Gent in de late middeleeuwen. Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, 67, 29-57.
. (2013). Mysticism with or without the Church? John of Ruusbroec's conflict with the Clergy. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 74(1), 18-32.
. (2013). Notger et Aix-la-Chapelle. In , Évêque et prince. Notger et la Basse-Lotharingie aux alentours de l’an Mil (Vol. 2, pp. 317-341). Liège: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
. (2013). Notities bij de kunstwerken in de Sint-Pieter-en-Guidokerk en het begijnhof van Anderlecht. In Sint-Guido van Anderlecht. Eeuwen van volksdevotie (pp. 109-135). Brussel: Erfgoedcel Brussel.
. (2013). Origines, diffusion et utilisations des calcaires lorrains dans l'architecture et la sculpture de la vallér mosane moyenne au Moyen Âge. Archaeologia mediaevalis, 36, 13-16.
. (2013). Origines, diffusion et utilisations des calcaires lorrains dans l'architecture et la sculpture de la vallér mosane moyenne au Moyen Âge. Archaeologia mediaevalis, 36, 13-16.
. (2013). Pleurant of priant. Een iconografisch motief in de middeleeuwse sepulchrale kunst. In , Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (pp. 123-136). Hilversum: Verloren.
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