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Kroesen, J. E. A. (2019). Het houten doksaal van Holwierde. In M. Ilsink, de Klerck, B., & Willemsen, A. (Red.), Het einde van de middeleeuwen: Vijftig kunstwerken uit de tijd van Bosch en Erasmus (Vol. 25, pp. 140-145). Nijmegen: Vantilt.
Watteeuw, L., & Burn, D.. (2019). Hildegard von Bingen’s visions in the Dendermonde Codex. 1175. In W. François, Watteeuw, L., & Kenis, L. (Red.), Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 16-17). Leuven: Peeters.
van Spijker, I. 't. (2019). “Impressed by Their Stamp”: Hagiography and the Cultivation of the Self. In S. Kahn Herrick (Red.), Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 192-208). Leiden: Brill.
Schats, R., & Klomp, M.. (2019). In sickness and in health. An archaeological and osteoarchaeological analysis of St. Gertrude’s infirmary in Kampen (1382-c.1611). In R. van Oosten, Schats, R., & Fast, K. (Red.), Osteoarchaeology in historical context. Cemetery research from the Low Countries (Vol. 3, pp. 105-119). Leiden: Sidestone Press.
Verweij, M. (2019). A infallible manuscript? The Adrian VI codex. 1499-1509. In W. François, Watteeuw, L., & Kenis, L. (Red.), Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 36-37). Leuven: Peeters.
François, W.. (2019). Jacobus Latomus versus Martin Luther. 1521. In W. François, Watteeuw, L., & Kenis, L. (Red.), Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 42-43). Leuven: Peeters.
Gistelinck, F. (2019). A Louvain print as a guidebook for Columbus. 1483. In W. François, Watteeuw, L., & Kenis, L. (Red.), Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 28-29). Leuven: Peeters.
Kunkel, T. (2019). Man on Fire. The Life and Spirit of Norbert of Xanten (p. 183). De Pere: St. Norbert College Press-Center for Norbertine Studies.
Kaschke, S. (2019). The New Edition of the Frankish Capitularies: Accommodating Digital and Print Edition. In C. Balouzat-Loubet (Red.), Digitizing Medieval Sources. L’édition en ligne de documents d’archives médiévaux Challenges and Methodologies. Enjeux, méthodologie et défis (Vol. 27, pp. 107-115). Turnhout: Brepols.
van Asperen, H. (2019). Pelgrimstekens van Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe van Gratie te Scheut. In M. Ilsink, de Klerck, B., & Willemsen, A. (Red.), Het einde van de middeleeuwen: Vijftig kunstwerken uit de tijd van Bosch en Erasmus (Vol. 25, pp. 20-25). Nijmegen: Vantilt.
Kuiken, C. J. (2019). Rural salvation markets. Medieval memoria in Dutch village parishes. Historia Agriculturae (Vol. 49). Groningen-Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut.
Kardong, T. G. (2019). Saint Benedict and the Twelfth-Century Reformation. American Benedictine Review, 70(3), 295-330.
Saucier, C. (2019). Singing the Lives of the Saints: Hagiographical-Historical Intersections in Music and Worship. In S. Kahn Herrick (Red.), Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 161-191). Leiden: Brill.
Veselka, B., & Klomp, M.. (2019). Taking sides: an osteoarchaeological analysis of human skeletal remains from the south and north sides of the St. Andrew's church (Andreaskerk) in Hattem, the Netherlands. In R. van Oosten, Schats, R., & Fast, K. (Red.), Osteoarchaeology in historical context. Cemetery research from the Low Countries (Vol. 3, pp. 139-153). Leiden: Sidestone Press.
de Mooij, C. (2019). Twee gebrandschilderde ramen uit het Bossche Bethaniëklooster. In M. Ilsink, de Klerck, B., & Willemsen, A. (Red.), Het einde van de middeleeuwen: Vijftig kunstwerken uit de tijd van Bosch en Erasmus (Vol. 25, pp. 186-191). Nijmegen: Vantilt.
Kupper, J. - L. (2019). Vacance du siège épiscopal ou absence de l’évêque dans le diocèse de Liège (971-1200). Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 97(2), 279-286.
Kairis, P. - Y. (2020). Contexte historique et culturel du retable de Saint-Denis. Autour d’Érard de La Marck et de Lambert Lombard. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 17-35). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Kairis, P. - Y. (2020). Contexte historique et culturel du retable de Saint-Denis. Autour d’Érard de La Marck et de Lambert Lombard. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 17-35). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Knudsen, C. (2020). Daily life in late medieval monasteries. In A. Beach & Cochelin, I. (Red.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. II. The High and Late Middle Ages (pp. 1109-1124). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Koopstra, A. (2020). Goossen Van der Weyden and his Workshop. In S. Van Dorst (Red.), Crazy about Dymphna. The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad (pp. 250-261). Veurne: Hannibal-The Phoebus Foundation.
Mercier, E. (2020). The half-polychromed wooden altarpiece of Saint-Denis. Interdisciplinary study and treatment project step by step. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 37-77). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
Cayron, F. (2020). L’apport de la consultation des archives du XIXe siècle pour appréhender la polychromie partielle du retable de Saint-Denis. Interventions, point de vue et appréciation des restaurateurs de l’époque. In E. Mercier, De Boodt, R., & Kairis, P. - Y. (Red.), Flesh, Gold and Wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 22-24 October 2015 (Vol. 18, pp. 99-113). Brussel: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.
