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Margry, P. J., & Caspers, C. M. A.. (1998). Bedevaartplaatsen in Nederland. Deel 2: Noord-Brabant. (M. Wigens & Thiers, O., Vert.) (p. 1017). Amsterdam-Hilversum: Meertens Instituut-Verloren.
Caspers, C. M. A. (1998). Norbertus (non?) eucharisticus. Beschouwingen over Norbertus van Gennep als eucharistisch heilige. In S. Van de Perre (Red.), Omgang met norbertijner heiligen. Achtergronden en vormgeving van de heiligenverering in de orde van Prémontré (Vol. 8, pp. 9-20). Brussel: Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis in de Nederlanden.
Caspers, C. M. A. (1999). Magister consensus. Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) und die Geistliche Kommunion. In F. Akkerman, Vanderjagt, A. J., & van der Laan, A. (Red.), Northern humanism in European context, 1469-1625. From the ‘Adwert Academy’ to Ubbo Emmius (Vol. 94, pp. 82-98). Leiden: Brill.
Margry, P. J., & Caspers, C. M. A.. (2000). Bedevaartplaatsen in Nederland. Deel 3: Limburg. (A. Jacobs, Vert.) (p. 1200). Amsterdam-Hilversum: Meertens Instituut-Verloren.
Caspers, C. M. A. (2002). De bisschop als Don Quichot. De synodale statuten van het oude bisdom Kamerijk, ca. 1300-ca. 1550. In Bisdommen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (Middeleeuwen en Nieuwe Tijd). Vierde studiedag Belgische kloostergeschiedenis. Algemeen Rijksarchief, 10 april 2002. Akten (pp. 47-70). Brussel: Algemeen Rijksarchief.
van der Pol, F. (2003). The Book of Hours from the Sisters of Saint Agnes in Kampen. A Spiritual Guide for a Community of Worship. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 169-192). Leuven: Peeters.
Hofman, R. (2003). Geert Grote's Treatise Contra Turrim Traiectensem and his Conversion to a Spiritually Oriented Life. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 41-56). Leuven: Peeters.
Blommestijn, H. (2003). Growing toward Likeness. Gerard Zerbolt of Zutphen's View of the Spiritual Journey. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 121-156). Leuven: Peeters.
Waaijman, K. (2003). Image and Imagelessness. A Challenge to [the Modern] Devotion. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 29-40). Leuven: Peeters.
Gerrits, G. H. (2003). Johannes Brinckerinck. Life, Sermons, and Thought. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 57-120). Leuven: Peeters.
Caspers, C. M. A. (2003). Liduina, the Virgin of Schiedam: Rise, Flourishing, and Waning of a Saint Cult, c. 1400-c. 2000. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 193-207). Leuven: Peeters.
Caspers, C. M. A. (2003). Liduina, the Virgin of Schiedam: Rise, Flourishing, and Waning of a Saint Cult, c. 1400-c. 2000. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 193-207). Leuven: Peeters.
Scheepsma, W. F. (2003). Mysticism and Modern Devotion. Alijt Bake's (1415-1455) Lessons in the Mystical Way of Living. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on the Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 157-167). Leuven: Peeters.
van Dijk, R. (2003). Toward Imageless Contemplation. Gerard Zerbolt of Zutphen as Guide for Lectio Divina. In H. Blommestijn, Caspers, C. M. A., & Hofman, R. (Red.), Spirituality renewed. Studies on Significant Representatives of the Modern Devotion (Vol. 10, pp. 3-28). Leuven: Peeters.
