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Dismantling the Medieval. Early Modern Perceptions of a Female Convent’s Past (p. 247). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2021). ‘I would be rather pleased if the world were to be rid of monks.’ Resistance to Cluniac integration in late eleventh- and early twelfth-century France. Journal of Medieval History, 47(1), 22-41.
. (2021). Monastic Elites and Narratives of Distinction in the High Middle Ages. In , Virtuosos of Faith. Monks, Nuns, Canons, and Friars as Elites of Medieval Cultur (Vol. 78, pp. 29-40). Münster: LIT Verlag.
. (2021). Medieval Monasticisms. Forms and Experiences of the Monastic Life in the Latin West. Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte (Vol. 47, p. 394). Berlin: De Gruyter.
. (2020). Monastic reform in the tenth to early twelfth century. In , The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. I. Origins to the Eleventh Century (pp. 599-617). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. (2020). Authority and Reform. Historiographical Frameworks for Understanding Tenth and Eleventh-Century Bishops. In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 9-25). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Bishops between ‘Reforms’ in the Long Tenth century: The case of Verdun. In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 75-93). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Bishops on the Move. Rather of Verona, Pseudo-Isidore, and Episcopal Translation. In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 117-137). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). The dignity of our bodies and the salvation of our souls : scandal, purity, and the pursuit of unity in late tenth-century monasticism. In , Using and not using the past after the Carolingian empire, c. 900-c. 1050 (pp. 262-281). London: Routledge.
. (2019). Introduction. In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 1-7). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Introduction. In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 1-7). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). La mémoire épiscopale à Metz aux XIe-XIIe siècle, entre sainteté et condamnation. In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 159-173). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Les Adalbéron, un «lignage épiscopal»? Fonction épiscopale et structuration parentale en Lotharingie (Xe-XIe siècle). In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 27-53). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Liturgy and Episcopal Authority. The Evidence of the Noyon Sacramentary (London, British Library, Additional MS 82956, formerly Phillipps MS 3340). In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 139-157). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Nullus alicui clerico episcopatum conferre debeat nisi rex. Royal Authority and Disputed Episcopal Elections during the late Carolingian Period. In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 55-73). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Une Église en crise? Renforcement de la seigneurie épiscopale et intégration à l’Empire à Cambrai-Arras (Xe-début XIe siècle). In , Bishops in the Long Tenth Century. Episcopal Authorities in France and Lotharingia, c. 900-c. 1050 (Vol. 6, pp. 95-105). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2019). Abbés et abbesses comme ressources dans les réformes monastiques en Haute-Lotharingie du début du neuvième siècle au milieu du dixième siècle. In , Abbots and Abbesses as a Human Resource in the Ninth- to Twelfth-Century West (Vol. 74, pp. 7-26). Zürich: LIT.
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. (2018). Intermediary Leadership. The Agency of Abbesses in Ottonian Saxony. In , Abbots and Abbesses as a Human Resource in the Ninth- to Twelfth-Century West (Vol. 74, pp. 41-59). Zürich: LIT.
. (2018). Monastic Leadership as an ‘Immaterial Resouce’. A Look at Reformist Abbots of the 10th to Early 12th Centuries. In , Klöster und ihre Ressources. Raume und Reformen monastischer Gemeinschaften im Mittelalter (Vol. 7, pp. 99-106). Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing.
. (2018). The Role of Abbots in the Coordination of Regional Benedictine Monasticism (c. 1130 – c. 1215). In , Abbots and Abbesses as a Human Resource in the Ninth- to Twelfth-Century West (Vol. 74, pp. 125-150). Zürich: LIT.
. (2018). Between Identity, History, and Rivalry: Hagiographic Legends in Trier, Cologne, and Liège. In , Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300 (Vol. 37, pp. 49-68). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2017). Between the Empire and the Reform Papacy: The Abbey of St Hubert and the Impact of its Papal Bull (1074) on Ecclesiastical Tradition and Monastic Identity in the Diocese of Liège. In , Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300 (Vol. 37, pp. 219-250). Turnhout: Brepols.
. (2017). Gebakkelei over de Gentse begraafplaatsen op het ‘generaal kapittel’ van benedictijnenabten (1169-1170). In , Gentse geschiedenissen, ofte Nieuwe historiën uit de oudheid der stad en illustere plaatsen omtrent Gent (pp. 129-134). Nevele: Skribis-Nevelland.
. (2017). Identités monastiques dans un monde bouleversé: Représentations identitaires dans la Chronique de Saint-Hubert, dite Cantatorium (diocèse de Liège, début XIIe s.). In , Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300 (Vol. 37, pp. 251-299). Turnhout: Brepols.
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