
Exporteer 7493 resultaten:
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France, J. (2012). Separate but Equal. Cistercian Lay Brothers 1120-1350. Cistercian Studies Series (Vol. 246, p. 372). Collegeville: Liturgical Press.
Kienzle, B. M. (2000). The Sermon. Typologie des Sources du Moyen Âge Occidental (Vol. 81-83, p. 998). Turnhout: Brepols.
Vorholt, H. (2017). Shaping Knowledge. The Transmission of the Liber floridus. Warburg Institute studies et texts (Vol. 6, p. XXVII+327). London: The Warburg Institute.
van Rhijn, C. (2007). Shepherds of the Lord. Priests and Episcopal Statutes in the Carolingean Period. (Y. Hen, Red.)Cultural encounters in late Antiquity ans the Middle Ages (Vol. 6, p. VIII+246). Turnhout: Brepols.
Kuijer, P. T. J. (2000). 's-Hertogenbosch. Stad in het Hertogdom Brabant, ca. 1185-1629 (p. 720). Zwolle-'s-Hertogenbosch: Waanders-Stadsarchief.
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Hoyle, R. W.. (2010). Social Relations: Property and Power. Rural Economy and Society in North-Western Europe, 500-2000 (Vol. 1, p. XX+375). Turnhout: Brepols.
van Winter, J. M. (1998). Sources concerning the hospitallers of St. John in the Netherlands, 14th-18th centuries. Studies in the History of Christian Traditions (Vol. 80, p. VIII+821). Leiden: Brill.
Vanden Bemden, Y., & Lecocq, I.. (2021). The Stained Glass of Herkenrode Abbey. Corpus Vitraearum Medii Aevi. Great Britain (p. 624). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hartmann, M. (2011). Studien zu den Briefen Abt Wibalds von Stablo und Corvey sowie briefliteratur in der frühen Stauferzeit. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Studien und Texte (Vol. 52, p. XVI+142). Hannover: Hahnische Buchhandlung.
Mohr, W. (1992). Studien zur Klosterreform des Grafen Arnulf I von Flandern. Tradition und Wirklichkeit der Geschichte der Amandus-Klöster. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia. Series 1. Studia (p. 155). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Decaluwe, M. (2010). A successful defeat. Eugene IV's Struggle with the Council of Basel for Ultimate Authority in the Church, 1431-1449. Bibliothèque de l’Institut Historique belge de Rome (Vol. 59, p. 399). Turnhout: Brepols.
Derolez, A., Victor, B., & Bracke, W.. (2009). The surviving manuscripts and incunables from medieval Belgian libraries. (T. Falmagne & Otis, L., Vert.)Corpus catalogorum Belgii. The medieval booklists of the Southern Low Countries (Vol. 7, p. 434). Brussel: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten.
