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Arnold, E. F. (2019). Environmental History and Hagiography. In S. Kahn Herrick (Red.), Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 351-372). Leiden: Brill.
Stuckens, A. (2019). « Et si nous l’envoyons en quelque mission pour nous.. ». Mobilité de clercs princiers dans la seconde moitié du XIIIe siècle. In A. Stuckens (Red.), Voyageurs, en route! Circonstances et objectifs de la mobilité des hommes au Moyen Âge, voies d’eau et de terre (Vol. 13, pp. 57-67). Bouvignes-Dinant: Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan. Verkregen van
Smith, R. J. D. (2019). Excessive saints. Gender, Narrative, and Theological Invention in Thomas of Cantimpré’s Mystical Hagiographies. Gender, Theory, and Religion (p. 303). New York: Columbia University Press.
Nelissen, M. (2019). Excommunicatie! Sensatie!. In K. Corens, De Maeyer, J., Nelissen, M., Poot, N., Reynders, M., De Smet, S., e.a. (Red.), Ex abundantia cordis. Vriendenboek Mark Derez (pp. 25-26). Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven.
Van Bruaene, A. - L. (2019). Faith on Stage: The Chambers of Rhetoric and Civic Religion in the Low Countries, 1400-1700. In K. Eisenbichler (Red.), A Companion to Medieval and Early Modern Confraternities (Vol. 83, pp. 365-384). Leiden: Brill.
Watteeuw, L. (2019). The first chronicle of the Abbey of Sint-Truiden. 1138. In W. François, Watteeuw, L., & Kenis, L. (Red.), Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 14-15). Leuven: Peeters.
Faesen, R. (2019). The first printing of Thomas a Kempis. 1473. In W. François, Watteeuw, L., & Kenis, L. (Red.), Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven (pp. 26-27). Leuven: Peeters.
Constable, G. (2019). The Fourth Lateran Council’s Constitutions on Monasticism. In A. A. Larson & Massironi, A. (Red.), The Fourth Lateran Council and the Development of Canon Law and the ius commune (Vol. 7, pp. 147-157). Turnhout: Brepols.
Van den Branden, W. (2019). Gejaagd door de wind. Premonstratenzers en windmolens in de Lage Landen. In H. Janssens (Red.), Abdijmolens. Natuurkracht ten dienste van norbertijnen en norbertinessen (Vol. 29, pp. 17-28). Averbode: Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis in de Nederlanden.
Van Ruyven-Zeman, Z. (2019). The Gouda windows revisited: An unexecuted design by Wouter Crabeth. Oud Holland. Quarterly for Dutch Art History, 132(3-4), 209-227.
Kappler, C., & Kappler, R.. (2019). Guillaume de Rubrouck, Voyage dans l’empire mongol, 1253-1255. Petite Bibliothèque Payot (Vol. 1092, p. 720). Paris: Payot & Rivages.
Krönert, K.. (2019). Hagiography and Inter-Urban Rivalry: the Vita of St Eucharius, First Bishop of Trier, and Its Use in “Political” Quarrels during the Tenth Century. In S. Kahn Herrick (Red.), Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 297-313). Leiden: Brill.
Bozóky, E.. (2019). Hagiography, Relics and Secular Politics in Western Europe, 6th–13th Centuries. In S. Kahn Herrick (Red.), Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 (Vol. 4, pp. 272-294). Leiden: Brill.
Zey, C. (2019). Hariulf von Oudenburg und der usus curiae im Prozess vor Papst Innozenz II. (1141). In J. Nowak & Strack, G. (Red.), Stilus - modus - usus: Regeln der Konflikt- und Verhandlungsführung am Papsthof des Mittelalters. Rules of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at the Papal Court in the Middle Ages (Vol. 44, pp. 97-117). Turnhout: Brepols.
Selvais, P. (2019). Hériman de Tournai. La restauration du monastère Saint-Martin de Tournai. Corpus Christianorum in Translation (Vol. 32, p. 200). Turnhout: Brepols.
Kroesen, J. E. A. (2019). Het houten doksaal van Holwierde. In M. Ilsink, de Klerck, B., & Willemsen, A. (Red.), Het einde van de middeleeuwen: Vijftig kunstwerken uit de tijd van Bosch en Erasmus (Vol. 25, pp. 140-145). Nijmegen: Vantilt.
Goudriaan, K. (2019). Het klooster Maagdendries en de Moderne Devotie in Maastricht. Publications de la Société Historique et Archéologique dans le Limbourg, 155, 57-121.
